I do not get tons of ass, but this summer I met "the girl of my dreams." We fucked a bunch, and I grew more and more attached. She was beautiful, interesting, great in the sack. I knew she was stringing me along, that I was worth much less to her than she was to me. She did all of the things a high quality female would have done in this situation. She gave me access to her vagina, but withheld when it suited her. Gave me just enough attention and affection to keep me interested, while playing hard to get to keep me chasing. eventually she found another guy, and moved on, but called me on her last night in town to meet her to say goodbye. I went, leaving a bar where I had jsut met other prospects, figuring she might want to fuck, but upon arriving at her place, she revealed she was going to this other guys place, and just wanted to see me one last time. I broke down, told her how bad she hurt me, all that BS. Left, and cried my eyes out.

I blamed her for everything. Refused to admit that there was anything wrong with me in this picture. I even placed her back up on a pedestal- "she can get away with that because shes SO beautiful, I was lucky to even get a shot"

And only the past couple weeks let myself turn to the root of the issue- ME. It was my insecurity as a man that pushed this girl away in the first place, and on top of that, If I had been secure, I probably wouldn't have wanted her past the first couple of weeks anyway. On top of that, i tried to reconcile my ego any way I could.

I need to make sure this won't ever happen to me again. I'm looking the red pill in the face, I just need to take it.

I started reading the literature on the sidebar, but wan to know where I can find practical knowledge. Something actionable that I can begin to implement immediately. can you guys help me out?

TLDR: I let myself fall for a gaming woman, who scourned me, and left me broken. I blamed her for everything, when really she did nothing wrong, except to follow her nature, and I am now trying to take responsibility for my own sexual destiny.