joyboy Newbie Q

Why do users here think eye contact is an IOI? (self.asktrp)

Johan offtopic

Most girls have game nowadays? (self.asktrp)

smashedrossio Newbie Q

Coworker asked me out on a date as soon as I put in my two weeks notice. What's the etiquette on this? (self.asktrp)

Ok_Ostrich_1157 Self-Improvement Q

Identity and masculinity crisis brought me here (self.asktrp)

Hamza99 offtopic

Creepy lady neighbor. What would you do? (self.asktrp)

User4566 Game Question

Girl in group gave me “fuck me” eyes at the bar, didn’t know how to approach. (self.asktrp)

benzino offtopic

[Fat cutting] Will I lose muscle if I still meet my protein intake target? (self.asktrp)

throaaasd21 Newbie Q

I am negging and shit testing, but LTR wants more sweet words from me (self.asktrp)

AbusiveFather1 offtopic

How to argue like a lawyer? (self.asktrp)

Kosingas Question for RP

After 21 everything suddenly sucks. Why and how to deal with it? (self.asktrp)

Johan offtopic

Does exposure between people create attraction? (self.asktrp)

Redpillpusher offtopic

How to minimize asset loss due to divorce or child-support AND have a child in the US? (self.asktrp)

imtranscending Question for RP

What is a high value woman? (self.asktrp)

mrone667 Question for RP

Weird Shi* Is Messing Up My Dating Life (19M) (self.asktrp)

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