joyboy Ask TRP Newbie Q

Why do users here think eye contact is an IOI? (self.asktrp)

Johan Ask TRP offtopic

Most girls have game nowadays? (self.asktrp)

FrancoAP TheRedPill Field Report

Field Report - First lay in almost 5+ years (self.theredpill)

smashedrossio Ask TRP Newbie Q

Coworker asked me out on a date as soon as I put in my two weeks notice. What's the etiquette on this? (self.asktrp)

Seagram7 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Shitpost Saturday

Why are all these turbo whores turning to God? Is shaming working? Do they believe God will deliver a man? Or it could be Millennial women are hitting their 30's and jumping off the Carousel (www.forums.red)

Ok_Ostrich_1157 Ask TRP Self-Improvement Q

Identity and masculinity crisis brought me here (self.asktrp)

Hamza99 Ask TRP offtopic

Creepy lady neighbor. What would you do? (self.asktrp)

Seagram7 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Shitpost Saturday

Their terms are acceptable. I guarantee I will not take a woman to any of these places. However, I will not take a woman anywhere else either and not one of the women who made that list looks like the girl next to it. (www.forums.red)

User4566 Ask TRP Game Question

Girl in group gave me “fuck me” eyes at the bar, didn’t know how to approach. (self.asktrp)

polishknight WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Shitpost Saturday

So I feel like I want to take the rest of my 30s for me. (www.forums.red)

Land_of_the_losers WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Tramp

They certainly don't come any more traditional than this (www.forums.red)

benzino Ask TRP offtopic

[Fat cutting] Will I lose muscle if I still meet my protein intake target? (self.asktrp)

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