I got a strange message today.

you have been banned from posting to /r/offmychest: Off My Chest | What you've been holding in for too long.

Odd because I never remember going to offmychest. A quick message to the mods and they reply with:

theredpill continues to invade this and other subreddits, spreading their hateful messages. We are automatically banning any supporter of this hate group. If you received a ban notice, you must have posted, commented, or voted in this subreddit sometime, anytime, in the past, as recorded by Reddit. Everyone else does not get the ban notice. If you do not support theredpill and its harmful ideology, we are willing to discuss and unban.

I had to dig and dig through my comment history, but I finally found my one post in offmychest. Backstory: Fiancee starts "a new job". This job is stripping. Does not tell her future husband she is now stripping. He shows up randomly one night. They see each other. He goes home, packs up all her shit, and kicks her out.

The Comment that got me banned?

Someone that knew you and him probably saw you there, called and told him, so he went to see for himself. Based on your story it sounds like after you saw him at the club you stayed at the club (long enough for him to pack all your shit). Are you strung out on something? There is no way to be sober, have your fiancé discover your secret stripper life and stay to finish your shift. That's crazy person drug logic. You were seriously fucked up on something or have the emotional IQ of a tree.

Ha. I hope most of us are using our throwaways. Post was from 10 months ago. Im excited to see what new bannings come my way.

The thread had a decent ending

No amount of pleading, begging, crying or screaming at him changed a thing. He was done with me and he let me know it in no uncertain terms. But the worst thing that happened was that when my Dad went over to confront him as to why he broke off our wedding (considering my parents had already sunk a fortune into it) he told my Dad the reason. Obviously my Dad didn't believe him and they almost came to blows but then my Dad asked me & I came clean. By then I had already quit the job, it lasted less than a week and I only danced a total of 4 times. I am really having a hard time believing that this is a coincidence but the job that I had been promised fell through because "they no longer needed the position filled". For whatever reason I believe they somehow found this out, my ex went to school with one of the supervisors there. So I now live in my brothers basement and am looking for a new job. I have no doubt that I will get a job as I just received my R.N. but it just irritates me that this one is now gone and I believe its gone because of this. It's bullshit that one damn week has made such an impact on my life. I love my ex and one day I really hope he can let this go but I am pretty sure that if it ever happens it will be years away. I just now have to work on how to get my family to not treat me like the town whore.

Edit: I don't care that I was banned. Only went there once because it was linked from here. I just think their auto-ban is hilarious and am curious how many SJW got caught in the crossfire. If a SJW came here to tell me I'm a neckbeard... haha the auto-ban karma would kill me.