I figured with the new content quality standards for The main Red Pill forum tribe, that it would be of benefit for me to describe what those standards are
The goal is to return the RP forum (different from the AskTRP forum tribe) to the standards of quality from the old school Reddit sub. AskTRP has fairly relaxed posting standards (other than no trolling or bad faith questions). Whereas what we are looking for in the RP tribe is content that has the quality to advance RP dialogue:
•Well-articulate theory advancement
•Meaningful analysis of TRP concepts or even meaningful nuance of concepts
•Meaningful and effective ways to advance self-improvement
•Valuable lessons, anecdotes, stories
•Adequate posts that fit any of the selectable flairs in RP
• Solid field reports with enough replicable detail to learn from that actually accomplished a lay rather than minor outcomes such as a date or mild messing around
• Solid field reports that almost but didn't go right that have deeply insightful analysis of what went wrong (should only be written but users with a history of successful lays who can truly understand what they did wrong. Not newbies speculating what went wrong, because they don't have a true reference point of success to compare to because it is otherwise just conjecture)
•Other posts that would generally fit a reasonable description of "quality" that advances, rather than just merely comments on, TRP
What is a quality post? A quality post should be worth a read as well as promote meaningful engagement on concepts, insights, or even just meaningful lessons or sincere words of encouragement for others to learn from here
Posts that primarily ask a question should go on the askTRP forum tribe, or if otherwise would be something more low effort and equivalent to a tweet, should go to TRP.RED in the public square etc.
Posts that are good faith mistakes in quality level will likely receive a heads up of removal and eventually removed (discretion of mods when to remove). Posts that are just very clearly low quality from the outset will just be removed after a notifications comment
Approach will be different for repeat offenders.
Thank you for understanding as we move to a more quality content environment,
[deleted] 12mo ago
TheSingularity 1y ago
First Attempt
Dominant Personality Types Dominate
## Social Dominance Theory Overview
— Respectfully,
bellabrownbe 1y ago
Many guys think that it is hard to tell if a girl likes them https://kickthebuddy.co
whytehorse2021 1y ago
It's posts like this, out of the blue, that make me want to stop making quality posts. How will this be judged by so-and-so? It's basically the same thing chicks do. If you don't like a post delete it or be a real man and tell the person straight up what you think. Shaming and constructive criticism is way more effective than censorship.
There really is no going back to the old nostalgia of the past. I mean I'm all for deleting spam posts by losers schilling their fake products and down-voting has it's uses... but anybody who was making revolutionary posts back in the day has moved on and written 5 books and has a following. It's up to us now to build each other up and work through the new issues as they arise.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
Much of your reply to the news is not an accurate representation of what will happen. That being said if you choose to stop posting over it, that's your prerogative.
We are merely asking users to preserve The Red Pill tribe for high quality posts, as described by me, and approved by RPS. You are free to post anything else not breaking site rules anywhere else on the site
I would say users seem to agree. This announcement has a high amount of upvotes for a post in this forum.
By experienced mods who have years of history reading posts here and old school Reddit. Myself, Matty, RedPillschool
I gave a list and criteria. If your post would likely generate good engagement, debate, or good commentaion, it's probably a good fit for Red Pill forum positing
If your post is mostly a short passage that is likely to generate a laugh and a few comments, it's more appropriate for public square
Quoting myself:
"Posts that are good faith mistakes in quality level will likely receive a heads up of removal". If your post is not of good quality you will be told and why. It won't be a mystery.
We have a goal to fill where OGs left off. That's our aim, we will not achieve that by allowing anything and everything to be posted in forums without some semblance of standards. There are better places on the site to post things not meeting those descriptions.
This isn't censorship. We are asking to post low effort, lower quality posts in public square or another part of the site. No one said you couldn't post your posts. We are politely requesting you select the appropriate location on the site to post dependening on your post content.
Even being generous enough to give a heads up so that you can have the time to copy and paste it into a different location without losing your posting work.
That's it.
AskTRP is an ideal forum tribe to post content in which you need to build up or help other men build up. AskTRP has relaxed posting standards, as does public square and many of the red tribes.
We are asking users to keep posting in one specific location (The Red Pill Forum, specifically) to quality posts only. No one is restricting your ability to post your ideas or posts on the site
If you have a post meeting the descriptions provided in The Main RP forum, you are of course free to post it. There has, for far too long, been no standards for posting, and that was a blindspot that is finally being corrected.
whytehorse2021 1y ago
Maybe I'm just confused about the site layout then, especially when trying to post. I think the whole Tribe thing is what's causing it. Don't even know what public square is. Is that basically a news feed? Is a tribe just a single forum on a forum server?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
Correct, the Forums dot red side is basically like Reddit. The trp dot red side is basically like a reddit-version of Twitter where there are still tribes instead of single user accounts
Both are repill network. Technically women can join anything in trp red that isn't TheRedPill tribe or AskTRP tribe
So yeah. It can be confusing. What we are communicating on right now is a forum tribe. The other ones on trp red are just tribes. Public square is just an ordinary tribe.
For example, WAATGM has both a forum tribe here and a twitterish version on trp red side of this site
I frequently post all my low effort stuff on public square. I still get the engagement I want from it and then I post in the forums when there is something more substantively I need to post
whytehorse2021 1y ago
I'm still confused. I just go to forums.red and see all the posts and try to answer questions. I gave up on posting to WAATGM because it's always the same rule violations. Maybe it's just because I'm autistic and don't "get" it. I just say what I'm gonna say and if it makes someone butt-hurt they delete it. I don't really care if it's a tribe or a forum or this post goes here and that post goes there.
In reality, I don't view any of my posts as low effort. I view the posts of spammers as low effort. I view the copy/paste posts as low effort. Upvotes are low effort.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
The three bars in the tol right corner will also get you there
My point was that they have both a forum and a tribe. I was just saying there are two different parts of the site. They don't function the same
I would say a lot of the posts such as what one puts in chatgpt or comments about women on the supermarket etc are better off in public square
Those are low effort
Yes upvotes are low effort but I'm not going by upvote. Quality posts tend to have a lot of upvotes but that's a byproduct of their quality, not a benchmark I'm going by
Everyone has low effort posts. I have them. RPS has them, most people have them. It's fine to have low effort posts, just asking that they go in public square, they get more views there anyway, which is actually more exposure to your content than in forums