I've (25M) been in my first legitimate relationship for about 8 months now with my gf (25F), but I don't know if I should end things.

Something to note, I didn't date much at all in college or the following two years. It's something I deeply regret because I really love to party and I'm jealous of others who got to experience the hookup culture, but I was studying computer science/working and I was pursuing FIRE (financially independent retire early) in hopes of becoming financially independent to travel the world. I'm at the point now where I could quit my job and go travel/do whatever (excluding a significant crash in the economy). Additionally - not to sound arrogant but just to give a little more highlights about myself - I lift weights six times a week, learned to play the piano last year, played soccer/basketball/tennis in high school, good at dancing, and come from a wealthy family.

I've known my gf since preschool, and we attended catholic middle school and catholic high school together. Her family knows my family well through our older siblings too. Her best friend is also engaged to one of my best friends (we're likely to be the maid of honor and the best man).

My gf and I got together after hooking up at my friend's lake house on the 4th of July. Throughout the relationship she has been great. She is almost finished with PA school, she stays in shape (played soccer in college, volleyball and soccer in high school, gymnast when she was younger), she adores her dad/family, doesn't post much at all on social media, she comes from a wealthy family but doesn't seem to be spoiled, she is conservative, and she seems to have genuine desire for me (although I'm inexperienced with dating, I do plenty of research and try to learn from others). Unfortunately, there are some red flags that I am having difficulty getting over, but I don't know if it's just me or not.

One of the red flags is she has been taking a SSRI and a mood stabilizer for about ten years now. She attempted suicide twice when she was younger (late middle school and high school I think). I'm someone who strongly disagrees with theses medications (other than in extreme cases like suicide prevention) and my gf knows she can't take them while pregnant and breast feeding. Furthermore, when we talked about her getting off the medication, she told me she was a raging bitch before getting on her medication. Then when I told her later that same week that I don't think I can continue to commit and invest time into our relationship until I see firsthand what she is like when she's not on her medication. She told me she did herself a disservice by saying she was a raging bitch and that she more-so just gets sad and cries (better than raging bitch but not something I would want to come home to everyday).

Another red flag is her promiscuity in college. She started having sex in like 7th grade with her bf that is kind of a loser, then also had sex with a degenerate guy freshman year of high school. Then she got in a longterm relationship with a pretty good dude for much of high school and college (they broke things off a couple of times and she had sex with a couple of guys). Then when her longterm bf and her ended things junior year of college, she was living in a house with some of her soccer teammates and she jovially told me she went through a hoe phase. During this phase, she slept with 8 different guys her last year of college and had a thing for black guys (nothing against black men, but my gf and I are both very much white lol). When I expressed dissatisfaction for her hoe phase, she claimed she was trying to date these guys and was attracted to them. Then when I wasn't satisfied with that answer, she said she was insecure and didn't value herself at the time, and was embarrassed because these guys just used her for sex.

When I asked why her and her longterm bf broke up (they were trying to do long distance in college), she told me she lost attraction for him. I also heard through my gf's best friend's fiance that he cheated on her, but I also heard through the bf's best friend that she was crazy - so I have no idea.

Another red flag is she has a more masculine energy. She was definitely a feminist during my time in school with her, but it hasn't been an issue in our relationship and I tried to nip any feminist energy in the bud when we first started dating.

Idk if this is a plus or a negative on my gf (definitely a negative on me), but I had a conversation with my gf a week before I went out of town for a boys trip for new years. During that conversation, I expressed that I didn't think we were compatible longterm and I was kind of half-heartedly breaking up with her (this is my first real relationship mind you). She refused to let us end things and insisted we needed to date longer. So we stayed together but it felt like things had ended. Then when I was out of town, I slept with another girl (worst feeling I have ever felt because I'm not someone that sleeps with strangers and I know how heartbroken it was going to make my gf). When I got home, I immediately called my gf over and broke up with her without telling her what happened when I was out of town. Then she kept texting me and telling me this was a mistake, and she took me out for my birthday. We talked for a long time and decided to get back together. But before we did, I told her what happened when I was out of town for new years. She was obviously very hurt and we talked it through, and she forgave me (which kind of makes me inclined to believe she's done something similar in the past and was thus willing to forgive me so quickly).

I know what the red pill community says about these red flags, but if we're being honest how many college athletes sleep around in college and how many girls nowadays are on some kind of depression/anxiety medication? I guess my worry if I break things off with my gf is that I'll find a 24 year old gf in a couple of years when I'm 27, and she'll have the same issues as my current gf but less of a life-long bond my gf and I have. But that would give me time to go travel the world/party/sleep around so if a future gf has a promiscuous past, it won't bother me as much.