So women that have their fun when young start looking to settle down once they start hitting the wall. Theres a lot of talk about many of these women ending up as single cat ladies, but how often is this the case?
We know a lot of them settle for their beta providers, it's debatable whether that's a win for them.
At the same time, I do see many examples of these women ultimately getting chads. Actually I think I see it more often, that maybe it's maybe a better question to ask how often do chads NOT settle down with whores, and get good women? Cuz I think about all the Logan Paul's and the will smiths of the world. Also how many predatory post wall women seduce young male athletes and baby trap them. It's usually that or the chad stays single and keeps gaming, maybe after divorcing Stacy.
I've also heard that men that game and bang women end up growing preferences to certain type of women, namely sluts, due to their own lifestyle. Maybe that's why they choose to end up marrying them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Where are you getting your facts dude
HighBodyCountVirgin 2w ago
No facts, just trying to explore theories I've heard. There's lots of examples we can point to, maybe you can argue celebrities are different. We can't really rely on stats.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Theories from who man? You can't rely on no names complaining about shortsighted innacurate observations.
Link me one single post from a respectable well known person arguing any of that
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2w ago
Why do you care? Just don't get married. Duh.
HighBodyCountVirgin 2w ago
Was just curious
mattyanon Admin 2w ago
It's a partial win. Women are not big risk takers, so they take the safe and boring option.
hmmmmmm not usually
Men are wising up....... rich men are really wising up to the traps of marriage.
Not sure there are many good women.
I dunno man, this whole post is a whole load of speculation without much insight.
Sometimes whores win big, sometimes they don't. It's not much of an answer.... but why the fuck should you care either way?
Rexx 2w ago
1.) Who cares whether or not these women "win? It's not your concern. 2.) Who cares if some "chad" settles for a former hoe? It's not your concern. The only thing you need to be focusing on is you and what YOU want. Don't want to marry a hoe? Ok, don't. Want to marry a slut? Have a good time. The real answer is you shouldn't give a shit what anybody else does with their life.
First-light 2w ago
I think a good number of hoes do win in the end. As you say they settle, rather than get the fairly tale they might have in their early 20's but they don't end up with cats and gin as their only companions.
On the plus side more end up with cats than used to. The manosphere has had a big impact, slow but profound. Men are not signing up for the plantation like they used to and if the trend continues, suddenly the used goods of this world will be a lot harder to sell as there will be enough fresh goods to more than do for the few buyers in the marriage market.
No-Stress-Cat 2w ago
"Fresh Goods"
I like the sound of that.
redhawkes 2 2w ago
Who gives a fuck. The most important thing is are you winning. Obviously not, since you post the most retarded brain farts possible.
AbusiveFather1 2w ago
If you compare it to an average american man, who gets next to no pussy all his life and gets married to a ran through skank, then being promiscuous with hundreds of men AND getting a life-time meal ticket at the end of it all does sound like a win to me.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Picking the hypergamous bottom of the barrel and being forced to reminisce about Chads that ran thru u and discarded you just so you can full circle discard your beta after 10 years of marriage and a defiled mom bod from your 2+ kids, thus giving more baggage than a Boeing 747 in freefall as you get piped down by 40+ yo AFCs on your last legs of your rapidly decaying dating market dead dream till you die alone does not sound like a win
Musicgoon78 2 2w ago
Your sitting here competing with fictional tropes instead of living your life. This is a massive waste of your time and energy.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Lone_Ranger 2 2w ago
It sounds like your experience is a bit out of date.
It used to be the case (what you describe). But the world has changed - that is what is causing birth rate collapse (are you not following the culture wars??)
Men used to put up with women sleeping around for 20 years and THEN settling down for some guy (beta or chad)....but men have wised up. Men learn slowly, but they learn.
So, the entire coupling crisis (WHATGMG?) is simply caused by men 'going on strike'. Men with options at 32 are no longer willing to hand out commitment to women that didn't want them when they were 22. It's as simple as that.
So no, I do not agree with your theory. The world is full of women that realize that they have 'left it a bit late'.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2w ago
Just go ask your mom.
Seagram7 2w ago
This post ties into a comment I made a while back on WhereAreAllTheGoodMen and the answers that affected my opinion and somewhat modify my views. I believed WhereAreAllTheGoodMen showed the apex fallacy and confirmation bias because, like you, I believed that most women were smarter and that we men underestimated women and their capacity to chameleon and shift gears when the time is right and most do end up with a happy ending and the posts on WhereAreAllTheGoodMen were the loser women. Like Michael's story in the sidebar, most women will " not only eat their cake but with sprinkles too."
A reply to that was that "some women can stick the landing," meaning that they can do everything wrong and slutty and horrid in their 20's, hit the wall, and still be lucky. But the way our society, the dating market and RP awareness out there, that it's not that way anymore. Those women are the minority now. I think your view is based on your limited scope and you are viewing the few lucky girls that were able to "stick the landing."