I didn't have much friends in high school/college and I didn't participate in anything on campus. Basically just 4 years bullshitting my classes and then went home to jerk off/watch T.V/play video games. 8 years later I realized I wasted the best years of my life. Now im basically 30 live in a small ass town and shit out luck when it comes to dating. Fuck man you don't realize the good times till they're gone. Taking the pill and escaping from the matrix makes life so fucking depressing.
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Overkill_Engine 2 2w ago
You personally never will because you are wasting all your energy whining, obsessing about, and building your entire identity around missing out on fucking Stacy during your highschool and college years instead of directing that energy into improving your current lot enough so that you could be fucking the new batch of Stacys right now.
You're not a woman, so you can't expect to just show the fuck up and get handed fun and games just for existing while not being completely ugly.
redhawkes 2 2w ago
Awww woe is you poor fuck.
You're here because of your decisions and you're still doing the same shit instead of getting in the drivers seat and take the wheel in your hands.
You reap what you sow bruh
ZCH8 6d ago
In other words, stop letting life happen to you.
derdeutscher 2w ago
Best years? Lol bro. Whats up with dudes thinking that being 22 years old immature party idiot is "time of your life"??
I am 36 and performing and looking better compared to my 20s.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2w ago
It's like an epidemic on this site, with occasional bursts.
Every time I see some 20-something dude acting like his life is over already, it reminds me of these two shitposts from the same thread in the shitpost tribe:
derdeutscher 2w ago
Terrible. Of course, in defense of some guys, genetics and health play important role. Not everybody can be pretty and healthy.
Still, majority of "Im old" guys are morons.
I wonder what fathers and uncles of these giys are doing? When I was 24 I also had doubts about when will I get old? My father put right thoughts in my head quickly.
failureneedhelp345 2w ago
how'd you manage that?
derdeutscher 2w ago
Taking care of myself physically and mentally and avoiding stress when possible. And a bit of genetics probably.
failureneedhelp345 2w ago
did you get really muscular?
derdeutscher 2w ago
I am pretty fit and really muscular yes. But its just part of equation, and probably the least important one.
failureneedhelp345 2w ago
what are your stats (ht, wt, bf percentage)? if you don't mind sharing
derdeutscher 2w ago
174cm and 92kg. Body fat I dont know, I am somewhat lean. Not too much.
failureneedhelp345 2w ago
thats pretty big for 5'7" and if you're sub 10 percent bf then that's even crazier
derdeutscher 2w ago
I am pretty big guy. But sub 10 % with this mass, forget it. Not without drugs.
I am around 15%.
failureneedhelp345 1w ago
where are your lifts at?
derdeutscher 1w ago
Squat 100kg 8 reps, deadlift 120kg 3 reps, standing press 80kg 4 reps, bench 100kg for 3 reps.
I was way stronger. These are out of shape numbers. But this dont matter. To build good body heavy lifting is not mandatory at all. Diet and lower weight with 10-13 rep range works just fine.
failureneedhelp345 1w ago
those aren't some crazy impressive numbers. Im not that far off from those numbers.
derdeutscher 1w ago
No, and I do not intend to push it further. Just increasing risk of injury. I am happy with this number and now want to focus on my cardio abilities. Which are really poor.
Recently started jogging/biking/rope jumping.
failureneedhelp345 1w ago
cardio isn't going to make you aesthetic though and aesthetics are the most important thing to attract women
derdeutscher 1w ago
Actually opposite is true. For my body type at least. Cardio keeps me lean and with low body f.
But your post was about how to get women, and I got them easily also when I did not lift at all. Keep ur body reasonably fit and work on ur charm and game. You can forget all of this and just do pushups at home and still slay poosy.
failureneedhelp345 1w ago
from my understanding looks are everything. how were you getting women when you weren't lifting?
derdeutscher 1w ago
looks are important bro. but being buff is not everything. fit+some game is enough
failureneedhelp345 1w ago
I appreciate your advice man but its too late for me now. My ethnicity, height, location etc all are against me. There's no way I'll ever have any luck with women now. I know how to avoid becoming a BP but biologically/physically i can never become an AF
derdeutscher 1w ago
cmon man, this is just wrong. unless you are 92yo dwarf living under rocks on a remote island. maybe talk to someone if u are depressed? some of biggest womanizers I know are short, ugly, tiny in stature and complete bums. you will make it
failureneedhelp345 6d ago
im not depressed just frustrated that my life passed me by and I have nothing to show for it
SpiritualEnema 2w ago
Are you just trying to be upset at this point? The past is the past. Have your fun now man. And again, change that awful username.
failureneedhelp345 2w ago
im not trying to be upset. Its just depressing that I missed out on all that and will never experience anything like that ever. Women in college were giving it up for the dregs of society like it was nothing and now that they're 30 Im supposed to date some asshole's sloppy seconds. fuck that bullshit.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Every chick is sloppy seconds. None of them are angels. Get over yourself
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Best years of your life? When men are invisible at that age and have no actual status or power and begging for crumbs of pussy from inexperienced awkward drunk party sex?
Yeah okay
failureneedhelp345 2w ago
Im 30 and im still invisible. Im not even fat or nothing.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Missing the point completely
failureneedhelp345 2w ago
TRP makes it seem like those years are the best.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
No it doesn't. Only the black pill incels complaining about those years are the only ones lamenting about it
Where you are seeing any big figures saying that? There aren't. Tell me you haven't read much of the actual material without telling me you haven't read much of the material.
It's stated frequently in TRP that those years fucking suck and that men age like wine and have better 30s and 40s
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2w ago
Where the fuck did you see anyone affiliated with the Red Pill say that?!
Musicgoon78 2 2w ago
I've come to realize recently that some guys simply cannot give up their victim mentality. I don't believe you're ready and probably won't ever be ready for success. I think at this point you should keep lifting to look decent and you may be a drunken mistake a girl makes. At least you'll get laid one or twice ever year or so.
pofkaf 2w ago
I said this on one of your previous posts. I was in a similar situation as you. I didn't lose my v-card until AFTER college.
But I am a prime example of how a little bit of effort can change your life. Your best years are still ahead.
Stop whining. Do the work. It's your choice to improve your life.
No-Stress-Cat 2w ago
You don't recover. You put it behind you. Tomorrow is another day.
There are NO available women in your small town? If that's the case, you need to branch out.
Stop thinking about yesterday. We've all had good times and bad times in the past. We all remember "the good old days". Time to move forward, or get left behind young brother.
First-light 2w ago
One way to gain a bit of motivation might be to look at the guys in your town who were big dogs in high school. where are they now? Some will still be successful Chads living a golden life, more will be standard betas -some already having had a divorce rape, some still hoping to marry- and some will already have bellies and bore people in bars with stories of what they did on the high school football team (like anyone beyond their year will ever care). Look at these guys and you will see the game of getting the most from life didn't end in high school then, it just began.
You need to get playing and blow as many of these guys away as you can.
Highschool was for most boys a pretty crap time when you had loads of hormones but were invisible with nothing meaningful to do. The only good thing was the freedom from responsibility. If you are a single man, you still have most of that and loads more possibilities. About the only things you have lost are the ability to derive fun from covert smoking and drinking (no real loss there) and the easy access to sports teams where you get respect from the community.
Try doing a few carefree high school/ college type things and seeing what happens. Go on a road trip with a friend, go join a local sports team, trey to actually go and hang out with one or two of your friends and go hunting or fishing, buy some fashionable clothes and try to chat girls up in a strange town. A lot of it is attitude and feeling that the world is open and waiting to be explored. It still is, you have just (as we all do sometimes) got stuck in a rut but if you are young and single, you can still do it all.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2w ago
Most of us were late bloomers. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 22.
If you waste your time lamenting your past, you're going to miss out on your present and your future.
Also, would you like some cheese with that whine? Maybe a nice fromunda?
Rexx 2w ago
I didn't go to college either. At some point you have to look at your regrets and just decide to let them go. That's it. The past is the past. Focus on how you're going to make your future better.