I made a post a couple weeks ago if you want to know a little more about my situation... If not I'll keep it short. https://www.forums.red/p/asktrp/323260/fucked_my_friend_how_do_i_play_this/7852903/
I've known this girl since middle school. She had a big crush on me, I never reciprocated for whatever reason.
She recently got out of a long term relationship of 3 years. We've been spending a lot of time together for the last month.
She called me this morning and was very honest and said Friday night she went out with some co-workers drinking, got kicked out of a club, ended up at a hotel eating taco bell, suddenly everyone's naked and she ate out her female coworker. Said she wasn't penetrated and sucked dick for like 10 seconds. Made out with the guy too.
I never OFFICIALLY made her my girlfriend BUT things we're headed that way until she fucked around and I was slightly hurt after hearing she made out with another man after we've been kissing and fucking. I don't mind her being with females nearly as much.
I think this is worth salvaging... How do I make her make it up to me?
Humbly, ZCH8
EmpireCrimson 4mo ago
Nope. Not worth salvaging. If you want low-value women in your life, keep doing what you're doing. Otherwise she could be nothing more than a plate. She's told you with her actions (and this shitty story - 10 seconds of dick sucking??) that she doesn't want to be your girlfriend (or that you're dating a 304). Move on.
ZCH8 4mo ago
So by plate you mean someone I am having sex with but not forming an emotional attachment to? On the phone when she confessed she said she was thinking about being my girlfriend like the night before. You're probably right she doesn't REALLY want that.
SwallowMyPill 4mo ago
Lmao you want a/your girlfriend to be sucking some guys dick for "10 seconds" ??
No-Stress-Cat 4mo ago
Women will say outlandish shit just to gauge your reaction.
There was a hot chick I was looking to plate tell me: "I fucked a gay guy just because I was bored."
Your reaction to these shit tests should be dismissive, "Okay then." and move on to the next subject, or double down on it, "If you think that was fun, just wait to see what's going to happen when I get my hands on you muhahaha."
ZCH8 4mo ago
Well the difference here is she said she DID something. Obviously I shouldn't give a fuck, should I say something like "next time invite me"?
No-Stress-Cat 4mo ago
You are correct. Make it seem like it's nothing you haven't done before, and it's no big deal. That'll get her hamster wheel spinning.
ZCH8 4mo ago
What do I expect the hamster to say? lol
No-Stress-Cat 4mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4mo ago
Dude just ask us if you should cut off your testicles at this point and your post wouldn't be any different.
ZCH8 4mo ago
lmao, I changed it to salvaging. She wasn't even mine though, it's my fault for not owning her right? Do you think it's better to dump her or to punish and demote? Thanks V.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4mo ago
It didn't matter what word you used, was she at a Diddy party for fucks sake?
Go get tested. You think this was the only freaky shit she did behind your back? You think that was all that happened? Trust me there is trickle truth. She did more than that even at this freak off. Fade this woman into the ether of your life.
ZCH8 4mo ago
You're right, I know she's been doing shit behind my back and I know that's not all what happened.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4mo ago
Then save your balls and tell her this is crazy.
Bonus points if you text her "did you go to a Diddy party or some shit?"
Lone_Ranger 2 4mo ago
You have to ask yourself 2 quesions:
WHY did she tell you all this?
I know that answer to question 1. And 2.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4mo ago
Which course of yours is this in? I don't think I've spent $4,999.99 on that one yet but i need a seventh set of steak knives, don't ask why.
ZCH8 4mo ago
Why did she tell me? Because she want's to see what I will do?
Lone_Ranger 2 4mo ago
She told you because she wants to make you jealous, to hurt your feelings. A hurt man is a man that can be controlled and manipulated.
Think about it carefully for a while. She could have just as easily not told you. There is only one reason that she told - to manipulate you. Lots of women do this. In fact, I would say most women. They do it without even realising that they are doing it, and they certainly won't be able to admit to themselves why they are doing it.
if you do continue with this woman, I will make a prediction right now: she will learn that you are easy to hurt and manipulate, and that when she hurts you with sexual jealousy, you become more compliant. I predict that she will gradually 'trickle truth' you lots of details about previous lovers and ONS's, about how great the sex was, etc etc. She'll do it covertly, over time and always with the excuse that she 'just wanted to be open and honest'.
ZCH8 4mo ago
Why does she want a man that is compliant? Why is it worth risking the relationship? I guess she really doesn't think anything through, just whatever she feels like doing in the moment.
Lone_Ranger 2 4mo ago
Why does she want a man that is compliant?
This is the GFC - the great female contradiction. They want and don't want at the same time. They think they want something, and they they get it, and then they don't want it any more. The thing that they most want, is something that CANNOT work.
They all want chad. And then when they get him, they try to tame him. And if they they manage to tame him, then he is no longer chad, and they lose interest in him.
This is why women try to manipulate men with jealousy and emotional pain.
ZCH8 4mo ago
So they try to manipulate with jealousy and emotional pain to see if he passes and is chad?
Lone_Ranger 2 4mo ago
no, this is not some shit test that you can pass.
You haven't understood me - I am telling you that what women want, what they do, makes no sense at all. You cannot understand the mind of a woman using logic and reason, because what they do makes absolutely zero sense.
It goes like this:
this is how it goes when you are a chad and you LTR sluts. It makes no sense at all. Ask me how I know.
The hardest things in life to understand are those things that make zero sense.
ZCH8 4mo ago
Now that you mention jealousy she ALSO mentioned that she went on a couple bumble dates before we started hanging out... That wasn't relevant to the conversation at all. She also had an ex over at her house the other day but it was okay because "he is gay".
Lone_Ranger 2 4mo ago
There you go. I suspected as much.
If you are to LTR this girl, my bet is that she will trickle truth you bits of info to make you jealous... a continuous breadcrumb trail.
Here's the thing - most sluts are not ashamed of being sluts - they are proud of being sluts. They can't wait to tell you how much they've been railed. The one thing that all promiscious women have in common is that they have no self respect - no internal sense of worth. So their only way of gauging how desireable they are is through male validation and attention - so they the more chads they've slept with, the more they can convince themselves that they are hot stuff. And they simply cannot wait to share all this info with you.
ZCH8 4mo ago
I'm not going to LTR her, I'm surprised you're suggesting that considering most other comments say she's barely plate material. She is a slut, admits it, and is proud of it. Speaking of male validation. In school I think the reason she became obsessed with me was because I never gave her that validation. She said she wanted to suck my dick in middle school and I told her she didn't. She's high on the crazy/hot matrix.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4mo ago
Lmfao dude. How many chances must you give this woman? Bro shes telling you she's a complete piece of shit and you're slurping it up like a bum who found sewer water in the desert as he's about to die of thirst
Man I've fallen for some dumb hoe lies before but man, Jesus holy god damn. Cut this shit off.
Dude this isn't even plate material. Her pussy is a fucking pitri dish of new diseases. How good is the head god dman
redhawkes 2 4mo ago
Bet your balls in gold bricks that she got her guts rearranged. This is called trickle truth my dude.
No LTR worthy chick will put herself in that position /heh
What the fuck are you're trying to salvage, you can't save a hoe. She's a classic cum dumpster lmaoo. Maybe plate for anal only
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4mo ago
Normally i love your advice but even this sounds pretty risky with this Diddy plate
MrSupreme 4mo ago
Well you could ask her to invite you next time, seems like she likes to party hard.Taco bell,hotel,eating pussy, sounds fun. I'm half serious, using her to try out new things and trying out a different lifestyle sounds exciting, instead you're feeling all jealous and monogamist about it.
ZCH8 4mo ago
Yeah I know she was trying to make me feel jealous and I thought about saying next time invite me or whatever, haven't talked to her yet.
MrSupreme 4mo ago
I think that as long as you keep off the emotional relationship stuff like jealousy and mate guarding, she will feel comfortable enough around you to party hard, think a threesome with 2 girls, be horny,explore lol
mattyanon Admin 4mo ago
There is only one way forward from here, and that's where you get to fuck other women. There is no fucking way on earth that this girl is girlfriend material.
Also, read up about "trickle truth". Good chance it's even worse than she's said it is.
ZCH8 4mo ago
I'm sure it's much worse than it sounds. Thanks.
Do you have a link for trickle truth?
Lionsmane8 4mo ago
Dude. Stop it.
She is forever plate material.
Dude, come on.
ZCH8 4mo ago
I think maybe we could be friends still, at least make her think we are. I don't know if she's even plate material.
Lionsmane8 4mo ago
Friends??? What the fuck is that?
Is this a troll post?
ZCH8 4mo ago
She does dine me and buys shit for me without me asking. Not trolling.
Musicgoon78 2 4mo ago
I'm officially writing this nursing a massive hangover. We all make mistakes like drinking too much. The point of this is that I wanted to drink with my girl and my friends.
This girl wanted to go out and get trashed. She wanted to eat out another chick and suck dick. This wasn't an oops. I'm sure she did a hell of a lot more than suck dick for 10 seconds.
All speculation aside, she didn't consider you at all when she did this. She wasn't thinking of you when she had another cock in her mouth or when she was cheaply giving out her intimacy to new people.
My friend, I know you like this girl, I know you want to save this, but in my opinion she is for the streets. You need to hear that.
ZCH8 4mo ago
I hear you, Thank you.