I was going through a period a couple months ago of just going on dates and meeting girls for 1 or 2 dates, and if the dates were successful, going to their place then moving on after a couple of times/dates onto a new girl.

During this time whenever living situation got brought up I would just say I live alone (I live with my parents). This wasn't an issue as usually I'd see the girl once or twice at their place then move on. I want to move out soon and buy my own place (i can afford to, but I'm saving like 5k a month living at home with 100k saved, so I've been greedy not moving out as I've not wanted a LTR before). Feels like I can have a great life if I continue saving at this rate.

Problem is, the last girl I've met is great and LTR worthy. We’ve seen each other for like 3 months. I want to come clean that I lied and deal with the consequences (i.e. it ends). Is it best to come clean in person, or over facetime would be okay (she lives about 40 minutes away).

For context, all our meets have been at her place, or we've travelled to other parts of the country for mini holidays. A bit shit cause she also told her parents about me, kinda sucks I wasn't truthful from the start.