First date yesterday (and we matched like 2 hours prior to that), we didn't actually call it a date, was just a walk in the park (and i didn't pick her up). Shes 22.

Kissed her immediately on the cheek on meeting. Later (not immediately) she said its the first time this happened to her. She said i surprisingly made her feel calm and that she didn't expect we'd have good conversation prior to meeting. After learning more about each other and getting in my car, her evalution of me was that of a "half player" but warm, positive, social and calming person, but also direct but too direct for her liking. Doesn't make sense tbh (duh).

And here comes the disrespect. She didn't want almost any touching, let alone kissing. I did anyways, more than once, despite this, threading the needle but at some point had to stop when it become a pretty firm no. But later after that she said she had sex on the first date with her EX but otherwise she has boundaries. (I take that as a big disrespect but i guess i am not smooth enough and i guess i deserve it?)

I've had first "date" sex so its not like i can't pull it off.

And after giving her the really now? look, she immediately realized and admitted she is being hypocritical (woman brain). At least she is not stupid?

Yeah, i am still in the process of fixing myself and getting my skills and experience up, i currently have 1 plate besides this girl and going to be seeing her and also go after more girls but maybe someone can give me some advice still.

What is the likely part i didn't do good or maybe what is best course of action going forward?

For now my best thing imo is probably to make her come to me and make her feel the competition if she is invested enough. She has reasons to expect it. We've texted a bit after but ill probably not be the one to text next, especially as i know how our schedules align and i can tell when she would be likely available again, so if she doesn't text back i can hit her up after several days when i know she's more likely to come out.

Also, this is a bit of a rant, yeah.