I have personally witnessed a girl describing sex with a beta as casual. The guy is 5’ 4” or so and looks like a skinny-fat gerbil, who spent months pursuing before even getting one date. She described the guy as a rebound from her first ex, and her first ex sounded much closer to a Chad than this midget.
So, my question is, do girls ‘casually’ fuck safe guys, as some kind of distraction? It seems like this guy was the recurring rebound and she was never that into him, yet the red pill had me believing that casual = hot steamy sex with Chads, every time, since they’re “breaking their rules for” the guy.
Edit: He might be as tall as 5’ 6” but she described him as “a couple” inches taller than her, and I know he’s shorter than girls so I think he’s probably 5’ 4”.
Edit # 2: I also don’t mean to degrade shorter guys; if a short guy has a good face and/or muscle then he’s fine.. this guy had neither.
Seagram7 3d ago
I am paraphrasing a post from the old AskTRP back in Reedit's heyday. Men really do think more logically and less emotionally. So that means some men take it to the extreme and have this formulaic "2+2=4" mentality and any variable to that means the basic equation must be wrong. You are dealing with vast variables that are in women such as "feels are reals," vag tingles, her level of self esteem at that moment, the situation she is in at that moment, how lonely she feels at that moment, where she is in her life experiences and age group, ASD, LMR...and the list goes on and on. Now add to that just sheer luck that you are beta Bob and you just catch her at that right moment. Plus don't you think that beta Bob keeps swinging for the fences that he doesn't get at least one home run? Haven't you heard the saying every dog has his day? I think of baseball metaphors when I think of Chad or Alphas or whatever vs. betas or the rest of the 80% I think Chad is more athletically inclined to make home runs (i.e looks, muscles, height, personality) but that doesnt mean that Bob can not connect with that ball, even once.
The reason why i get somewhat triggered when I see comparisons like this is because I was military for a very long time and I kept seeing that because of that ONE exception, we should just throw out the entire rule book. Specifically women in combat. Every time they wanted to open up the ranks to women, they somehow always found that one dyke that was one chromosome away from being a man and that can bench press a Volkswagen and yell "SEE! SEE! women can do it too!"
Just a side note on friendzoned guys. The quote above is why I always found them creepy and think of them as predators. They are literally stalking prey waiting for that one opportune moment when her guard is down and she is the right amount of all of the above and he will finally get what he has been lusting after.
Wintergreen 2d ago
Thank you for your comment, and to be clear I did not intend to say that people here are “all wrong”, but instead to see if this topic could be viewed as less black and white (I’ve always viewed things from TRP as black and white).
Thanks again.
whytehorse2021 6d ago
In general, yes, but women use sex for other reasons than self pleasure.
Wintergreen 6d ago
It was a FWB type thing. Not sure if that’s relevant.
whytehorse2021 5d ago
Not really relevant. Prostitutes have sex for money. Vice Presidents have sex for power. Movie stars have sex for fame. etc.
Wintergreen 5d ago
Well I meant that there might be differences in FWB vs ONS vs LTR/Marriage in terms of the reasons right? For example, a FWB that is planned to end in 3 months may have different causes/reasons than a ONS. And a marriage obviously has different reasons because it’s permanent supply of whatever benefit there is.
What benefit would someone get from a knowingly temporary FWB that’s not just sex?
whytehorse2021 5d ago
A FWB type of sex is probably the woman thinking she can do better. ONS type is just horny desire. But there are other relationships. Sleeping with your boss to get a promotion, sleeping with a co-worker to get a recommendation for promotion, etc. Transactional sex. So in your situation she's probably getting something from that guy and pays for it with sex.
Wintergreen 5d ago
He was moving in a few months. I think she just wanted friends since he brought her around her friends and she didn’t have any of her own.
However, I think she was also considering long distance despite saying she wasn’t.
whytehorse2021 5d ago
Yeah social introductions in exchange for sex. It happens.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
The more alpha the more likely to be okay with casual. But, no. Stop black and white overthinking
Wintergreen 1w ago
Okay thanks.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
A) "alpha" and "beta" men aren't a real thing. Those terms are only really useful as traits/behaviors, with "alpha" being traits and behaviors that get her aroused (pussy wet) and associated with her dopamine response, and "beta" being traits/behaviors that build comfort and align with her oxytocin response. Beta/comfort must be earned by the woman, and too much too soon (especially unearned) will actually put them off. Even in a marriage (19 years here) that shit isn't freely doled out unless you want to dry her up. You aren't ready for this yet, so just don't even worry about it much. Back of the mind for now.
B) what you, another man, thinks about some dude doesn't fucking matter. What matters is what she
thinksfeeeeeeeeeels. If she's attracted to him, then she's attracted to him. She sees something you don't.C) Christ, whats with the nitty-gritty on his height? It doesn't matter that much. Heights not the only factor in determining if a woman will be attracted, by far. Yeah, it matters. But it's not the end-all, be-all you're making it out to be.
There's a book by evolutionary psychologists Dr. David Buss and Dr. Cindy Meston titled "Why Women Have Sex". Give it a read sometime. This might surprise you, but women are different from men, and their motivations are different. "I was horny and he was attractive" is waaay down the list, behind reasons such as resource acquisition, revenge, etc.
Wintergreen 1w ago
I mentioned the height just because you can see many posts about height where people are talking about how much girls like height. Then I put my disclaimer to show that I don’t necessarily agree with the height obsession to the extent that you see it mentioned.
It doesn’t surprise me that men and women have different motivations for sex, but I am trying to navigate the consensus of the red pill because I’ve read the same thing (AF/BB) so many times. And the one thing that is always in my head is “they make rules for alphas and break them for betas”. So then I thought that any time a girl does something she normally wouldn’t, it’s because she is more attracted to the guy (whether physically or because of alpha traits). However, I didn’t believe that entirely so that’s why I’ve made this post. Thanks for your input.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
Re: height - while being tall can make things easier and being short can make things more difficult, it's really not as important as people think. In my real life, I know a guy in his early 50s who is 5' 3", fat, and looks like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit his face on every branch on his way down.
He's been married and divorced twice, and still gets laid quite frequently. He's not fucking 9s and 10s, but he fucks.
Looks and height matter, but there are many attributes that matter far more.
Again, those are traits.
Back when my wife and I first got together, she was just a plate in my harem. She broke rules for me.
As I upgraded her and dropped the others, I inadvertently beta-ized myself (especially by getting married). This led to her trying to make rules for me, and my acquiescing to those rules because "that's what good husbands do".
When I found the Red Pill several years later after we started having problems, I started getting some alpha traits back and regaining some of the power I'd given away.
All of this was the same man and woman over the course of 20 years (19 married); AF/BB/AB and breaking rules for alpha and making rules for beta and partiality reversing.
So how does this apply to you and your post?
1) don't get too hung up on trying to sort people into hard categories. Again, alpha and beta are better understood as traits and behaviors which can change within different situations.
2) that guy you thought she shouldn't be attracted to? She was. He probably had some charm, dominance, etc.
Wintergreen 1w ago
Okay that makes sense.
How can you be certain that she was attracted to him and not that it was one of the other thousand reasons you listed in the book you referenced? This is why I have the black and white thinking; if you say there is some grey but then you reference the black and white again then naturally I will just think in terms of black and white.
Musicgoon78 1 1w ago
I see what you're doing here and you need to stop it. Are you going to spend the rest of your days living through other people?
You're making assumptions instead of of gathering facts and none of this is doing anything to further your own progress. Stay in your lane homeboy..
Women aren't men, they don't think like us. You're assuming that women's attraction is based on physical looks, when that a small portion of it. You don't know what this girl likes about this guy and you didn't ask. Attraction is subjective and complex.
This is why a 1 to 10 scale is retarded. Your 10 might be my 6. At any rate, you judging a guy based on his looks is a weak stance. You might look down on him for his height or looks, but guess what? He is getting laid.
Get this alpha and beta shit out of your head. It will lead you in to autism or the black pill. Maybe both?
So what are you doing to improve your life and how many plates are you spinning right now?
Wintergreen 1w ago
I’m here to gather facts to help me understand things.
I did ask, she said it was because “he was independent… and vibe, I go by vibes. He was a rebound, I wanted to feel better [about her other ex]”. It sounded to me like she wasn’t really into him and you can kind of tell that he was the only guy who never affected her self esteem negatively/the only guy she never had a strong attachment to.
I’m in a financial crisis that I am coming out of this month. Then it’s back to the night life.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Like i said you need to understand RP better, not just the old alpha beta shit, which seems to be 70% of your RP understanding. I'm not sure how much you got past that one thing in RP
You expected her to be able to communicate why she had feels?
Wintergreen 1w ago
To be fair, most of the stuff in TRP is black and white like this. Even some of these comments are still black and white.
I only said this because the previous comment said that I didn’t ask.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
It is supposed to be read with nuance. It is black and white if you fail to read it as intended
Wintergreen 1w ago
Oh yeah I keep forgetting that…
MyBoyJob 6d ago
Women like to embellish shit. “He was just chasing so me for so long and wanted it so bad” kind of like how a guy friend might say “Yeah she just wanted my dick bro, didn’t have to do anything” It could have been a socially intelligent dude casually flirting occasionally in a non orbiting way and was immediately available for the rebound. This is a valid strategy if you can remain detached enough. Women go wild after exiting an LTR.
Wintergreen 6d ago
Well yeah, he waited around until he was the rebound but he couldn’t get her when she was single until her other ex came back into the picture again and pumped and dumped her, then he was the rebound. In my mind rebounds are likely not the most alpha or she’d have just fucked him before going back to her ex, kind of like how she fucked me before going back to him.. he’s always the rebound. I guess that’s a good position to be in if you want sex and don’t care that she isn’t into you, but to me it seems like it’d be insulting to only be good enough as a rebound.
MyBoyJob 6d ago
Son, you care too much about what women think of you.
Wintergreen 6d ago
Maybe that’s true.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6d ago
Learn this mantra:
Don't care. Got laid.
Wintergreen 6d ago
Well in that case. I shouldn’t care because I fucked her 40 and a half times and then broke up with her. #gotlaid