Hi, newbie here.
I was wondering if there was any good threads or posts I could read on the TRP subreddit on "authoritative" vs "submissive"/weak language
ie. Asking women/people in general for permission, VS Telling girls
ex. "CAN I have your number" VS "LET me get your number"
ex. “CAN we get a coffee sometime” VS “LETS get a coffee sometime”
ex. “DO you want to hangout sometime” VS “LETS hangout sometime”
I’ll definitely take a gander at the sidebar as well
Musicgoon78 1 1mo ago
Listen bro,
You ar not getting any responses because there aren't posts about this necessarily. I don't think that you need to read shit. You've posted up some good examples. And there's numerous examples we could sit here for days and think up new ways to spin something.
So dominance comes from being decisive and direct. If you read most of the past asktrp questions you'll notice that most unsuccessful or celibate men cannot or will not make their own decisions. This is seen as a submissive feminine trait.
Here's a quick hack for you. From now on you're just simply going to state your intentions and wants. Then you will do what you enjoy and go after what you want. These two things will change your life in substantial and majorly beneficial ways.
You won't need authoritative language because you will know what you want and will do. You're also making that abundantly clear.
Make this your new mindset and I guarantee in a few months your life will improve drastically!
Durek_The_Bald 1mo ago
Sidebar first + the recommended literature. "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty" both deal with assertiveness, and are good reads. I'm currently on my second read-through of "When I Say No...", and it's still good.
It's better you deal with the underlying mindset of assertiveness, rather than surface-level details of language. I've read quite a few field reports in my time, where it's way too obvious the writer is trying to fake assertiveness by spergingly using commandeering language when interacting with women. Very cringe, and if I can spot it, women can too.
When you spergingly avoid all inquiry and questions as for what she wants, it breaks the illusion of you "just getting it", and being a naturally calibrated person socially. In stead, it comes off like you've read some shit on Reddit, and are trying to work off of some alpha bro script to mask your autism.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1mo ago
I strongly second what both musicgoon and durek said.
This particular example:
Neither one is great. Escalate and push for sex as soon as possible so you don't end up FriendZoned or wasting time and effort on a chick who was never going to fuck you.
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
"Tell me your number" or "Give me your number".
Even "let's" is a bit weak compared to a direct order.
NeoSpartan 1mo ago
Or just "What's your number, I'll text you the details" if you want to split the difference.
Another basic tip is never take too long in setting up the meet. Do the basic preamble, w/e, w/e, build the basic level of familiarity so she knows you aren't weird, but once that's done move it forward asap.
Any girl who is going to be wishy washy more than once (for shittest purposes) is just a waste of time and going to be terrible 99% of the time.
NeoSpartan 1mo ago
Yes, that is the basic premise of what you want to do. Don't ask, lead.