Not a super urgent issue but would be nice to have some guidance.
There are abt 7 med students working rotating evening shifts at my uni's medical library, all of them about 4 semesters higher than me. 4 of them are relevant, all of them know each other:
/#1 I approached last year in November. Was extremely nervous, didnt ask for number but said let's chat again sometime soon. Next day I ran into an ex and decided I only want to win her back and so ignored this girl. Took weeks until I finally chatted her up again, since then we talked like 3-4 times but lost all romantic energy. She's always kinda awkward and seems nervous, at some point I asked for her number and she said "I think no..." in an insecure way. Otherwise very friendly. I still sometimes catch her looking at me but secretly.
/#2 Was eyeing me for a long time, seemed clearly disappointed (almost hurt) when I approached #1 instead of her. One time she saw me with my sister and gave her an angry look, prob thought we're dating. Got a bf a few months ago, think she knows I'm fucking the bf's ex who apparently is her "rival". When I look at her she smiles politely like "sorry I have a bf now" but she obviously enjoys the attention and is still attracted.
/#3 The most attractive one to me personally. For a while last summer she'd give me a flirty little smile every time I entered the library and I'd smile back. We never spoke, one time I chatted up her friend next to her and she just chilled on her phone so I assume she had a bf and wanted to show she's not interested in actually talking. At some point stopped doing the smile thing so now we've been just ignoring each other.
/#4 close friend of #1 and #2. Not interested in this one but she's very friendly and chatted me up in the elevator once. Seems always open to conversation and usually hangs with the other ones. Has a bf.
Atm I'm barely talking to these 4 but there's usually enough opportunity to walk up and talk to them. Any idea what's like, a good plan for a situation like this? Do I pick a specific one I want to go for and escalate with her quickly? Or just do casual conversation for a while and see how each one respond, maybe find out who is actually single and interested before escalating? These women are potential LTR material (smart, driven, socially competent, pretty) plus I see each at least once a week in the library so dont want to ruin things too much.
First-light 6mo ago
I would say don't game them. I would not recommend gaming women close to home. Learn about them in a non flirty way to see if you want to then ask one of them out but don't game them or all you will get is a reputation as a clumsy player and you don't need that close to home.
It sounds like the interactions started more positively than they are going now. This might be because you went in all flirty with women who were starting friendly or it might be that it started flirty but the clumsy player label attached to you.
If you are looking for a LTR with an equal, I think its important to set your stall out fair and square not game women you want to be in a partnership with. Many doctors prefer a nurse and play their way through the field till they get one that sticks. I think you can do this where you have higher value but not where value is equal, especially since women overestimate their value and these women are actually slightly older than you which is at this age a disadvantage to you..
medstudentgerman2002 6mo ago
Alright thats a good response. I think I’ll just chat them up more regularly from now on. It’s always helpful to talk to older students anyway because they usually give useful advice. Will just talk to them about what they’re doing currently for Uni etc. and occasionally add some ambiguous flirting to the conversation.
The age thing does suck a bit but tbh I enjoy the challenge. The med students in my year suck at flirting and don’t have as much to offer. Also there’s not that much competition in terms of men so I prob have a chance
Musicgoon78 2 6mo ago
Bro.... Cmon now. This whole post is a collection of assumptions.
The first girl you barely talked to because you weren't bold. She rejected you. What romantic energy are you talking about. Sounds made up. It was just chit chat. That one is done.
Girl number two: made up a story about what she's thinking without talking to her. It's fictional. Not based in reality. You have zero evidence of her thoughts.
Girl number 3: So an attractive girl smiles at you, you find her compelling so you hit on her friend and ignore her? Aren't you just a Don Juan? I'm sure that move got her panties soaking..
Girl 4: The one with a boyfriend that you don't want yet somehow feels like she wants you. What is the point of mentioning her?
You really think these girls are LTR material? By what standards? You don't talk to them and you don't know any things but about their personalities or values.
Do you expect us to write you a how-to guide on gaming these chicks? All your info is in the sidebar. You could start by doing the most basic shit. Actually having conversations with these women instead of being a sperg.
You don't just go up and escalate without building rapport. Also there is nothing to ruin. You haven't built any connections.
Get your shit together and actually approach and talk instead of trying to come up with a plan. This post is a fucking mess!
medstudentgerman2002 6mo ago
Idk why you have to paint this in such a negative light. I make assumptions about them because 8/10 women here have a bf and I’m trying to avoid them. I didn’t give them the tingles and half heartedly got rejected by one but that should be easy to fix once I take the lead, nothing I worry about. They’re women, they probably assume I lost interest because I found someone hotter to fuck, and that’s not even untrue.
“Get your shit together and actually approach and talk” okay, how? Start a convo, give some game 10mins and ask for number? Start chatting all of them up regularly for a few weeks and feel them out and slowly escalate? That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Remember these are future colleagues and I’m trying to not offend anyone.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
That makes absolutely no sense at all.
"Most girls have s boyfriend (and can't possibly just be saying that as a way to reject me and get me to stop talking to them), so I'm just going to make wild guesses about these others including one who has a boyfriend"
Then you're done. Next.
Never let a woman reject you twice. One and done, on to the next one.
Reading through your replies, it's obvious that you ate still plugged in to the Matrix, and haven't read the sidebar or any other basic Red Pill material.
askTRP isn't here for us to hold your hand and give you tailor-made scripts for each woman you want to fuck. None of us have that kind of time. and it doesn't work that way.
Read the fucking sidebar and start putting shit into practice.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
The same as any other woman.
They're strangers whom you haven't even fucked yet. The thought of an LTR with any of them shouldn't even cross your mind.
From one of the most important reads on the sidebar, HumanSockPuppet’s Guide to Managing Your Bitches:
All the years at MRP have borne this out as well; as a man, sex is your goal. A relationship is her problem.
None of that matters at all compared to how she treats you after you have started fucking her on a regular basis.
1) Read HSP's guide and the rest of the sidebar (is obvious your haven't)
2) focus on getting laid and forget LTRs until a woman earns one from you
medstudentgerman2002 6mo ago
Thanks for the heads up. But I’m not going to just give them an LTR, all I’m doing is pre-filter the women so there’s a higher chance they end up an LTR. I’m not really that interested in casual flings, don’t care that much for sex
I’m obsessed with becoming as good as possible at my profession and I’m trying to get a LTR with someone with the same level of ambition and in the same/similar field so we could boost each other. Maybe I got the wrong idea though.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
Are you gay?
Yeah, good luck with that.
The odds certainly aren't in your favor. Do you not know how women operate?