I’m 27 and moving to a new city and want to change the way other people see me.

Looking to change the image I portray to others, men and women. Up to this point I have never had problems making friends or pulling a 7 for the night. I bring a lot of energy with me into the room with me and know that people around me appreciate me to always have something to say and am a genuinely positive person who loves to make other people laugh/have a good time. The problem is I believe I sacrifice a lot in constantly doing this. I catch myself saying dumb shit for laughs to the point that people always tell me they wouldn’t expect me to be smart, even though I am about to begin law school under a full scholarship. I don’t think I am taken very seriously by other high-value men and the 8-10s see right through me as a people pleaser. I know I will never be able to have the John Wayne personality but feel there is a way to utilize my energy and balance it with a more proud demeanor.

I know I’m a good-looking guy, I’ve put myself into great shape and the future lawyer thing attaches career value that I was always missing. Regardless of this, I spent the whole summer doing the same people-pleasing shit that I know portrays me as a dummy and a joker.

I’m just wondering what the steps are for making this transformation, does it all just come down to a built-in low self-esteem?