The last few women that I have interacted with have eventually said these words.
"As a hot woman I experience blah blah blah."
I usually respond with " is the other 16 million results that pop up when you search for the keyword "hot".
These are attractive women, but once they realize I am going to treat them like regular women and not as a simp would, they default to this. I have eyes. I know what they look like. I just don't want them after they mention their red flags or even before they do.
I'm stuck on my purpose and women have become secondary to me. Are they saying they are hot as a defense mechanism?
Lionsmane8 5mo ago
Just give her a bland look and some lingering awkward silence.
Works every time
No-Stress-Cat 5mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
It's cope. They expect to be treated differently.
This is the equivalent of men saying they are alphas. If you are an alpha you don't need to say you're an alpha.
They aren't getting the results they are expecting so they are announcing it to cajole you into the frame they don't have.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 5mo ago
Many women believe that if a hot guy stick his D up her ass. She must be same SMV as the guy.
The Hamster is powerful
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
The hamster is so delusional
Lone_Ranger 2 5mo ago
You should reply "Nobody gets to decide if they themselves are hot"
She will almost certainly ask you... "Do YOU think I'm hot?"
Then just fix her with a stare, don't say anything, and wait for her to break eye contact.
whytehorse2021 5mo ago
There's a difference between mutual knowledge and individual knowledge. So she's creating mutual knowledge that she thinks she's "a hot woman" by saying it out loud. This is pretty common with whores, bar girls, female bartenders, pour girls, etc. They go to the red light district wearing a bikini and then wonder why men are offering them money for sex...
It's your job to "read between the lines" and decipher what individual knowledge she has that prompted her to offer up this mutual knowledge. My guess is she's a whore. The obvious response would be to tell her to stop acting like a whore if she doesn't want to be treated like a whore, but in this day and age I would just ignore it and fuck her like a whore.
One time I tried to treat a whore like a lady... I asked her if she'd like to cum before I do and she said she had already cum 3 times and had 15 guys cum in her that day... So I treated her like a whore and came in her and sent her off to the streets.
First-light 5mo ago
You didn't pay homage to the great pussy, you need a polite reminder of your duty. She is hot, if you are not thirsty, it would not be good, she would suddenly ...lose value!