I ask because I was under the impression that hitting on girls at the gym was shitting where you eat, so I never did it.
However, during my situationship I found that girls do get hit on at the gym a lot. Apparently this idea in TRP that hitting on girls at the gym is bad is not a universal idea, and guys who do what they want hit on girls at the gym.
Is it a bad idea? If not, how is it done?
I was on the phone with my situationship and some guy came up and asked her age and if she had a man. That’s so direct that it’s a total 180 from “don’t shit where you eat”. It kind of makes me feel like a pussy that I’ve never hit on a girl at the gym. I was following what I read in TRP but now I’m not so sure.
[deleted] 6mo ago
Lone_Ranger 2 6mo ago
Hit on all girls, all the time, everywhere.
Hitting on girls is a skill. And just like any other skill, practice makes perfect. You should be hitting on girls wherever you are, all the time. Learn subtelty. Learn how to talk to women far out of your league. Learn to talk to women with absolute outcome independence.
You will never develop your DGAF attitude unless you are able to flirt at the drop of a hat, without any nerves.
Quit with the bullshit excuses, such as 'dont' shit on your doorstep' and all that crap.
Learn by doing. Refine your game through repeated failure. Keep failing until you win.
There are no short cuts.
Kloi 6mo ago
I don't do it because I'm there to work on myself while blowing off steam. I save the socialization for the hot tub.
lambOfGod 6mo ago
Do it, fuck consesus. Fuck what other people say. Fuck other people frames.
So what if she rejects you? You still go and do your fucking thing at the gym, don't back down from the gym just because a chick said "i'm not interested". DO WHAT YOU WANT, not what others say or do, this applies to the spergs on this forum too.
You see many hot chicks with average guys on the street. Besides their dual mating strategy, guess who gets to fuck her ass that night? You, the fucking sperg who goes to the gym 7 days a week but talks to one woman per month, or that "beta", who actually talked to her one day and behold now he is fucking her, while the cucks on this forum sperg about women all day. You choose what you do and you get out of life what you do.
nicknack 6mo ago
The gym doesn’t seem like the best place as she’s getting eye fucked by 100 guys so her value is overinflated in those 4 walls. Still doable, but I’ve only done it successfully to close once in 16 years of going to the gym.
Wintergreen 6mo ago
Interesting. Honestly I’m not even too hung up on the outcome, literally the only thing that I care about is not avoiding it out of fear or anxiety like I’ve been doing.
nicknack 6mo ago
Just do it bro. The more you do it the better you get at it. Half the women are at the gym to meet a guy anyway.
redhawkes 2 6mo ago
Wtf is this gaytard shit lmaooo it's even worse than rizz
In the gym it's really easy to become that guy if you're sperg. Just banter and see where it goes. Also, it's like shooting a fish in a barrel if you're jacked and have preselection.
Wintergreen 6mo ago
I’ll admit that I also agree that that word is dumb, but I didn’t want to call her my ex because I never took her seriously.
Thanks for the info. I’m not jacked but I feel like I’m kind of big. Someone told me I have black genetics because I put on a lot of muscle in a short time.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
Jesus dude, slow the fuck down with the million questions and read the sidebar.
Wintergreen 6mo ago
According to the sidebar, you just broke frame /s.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago
You actually shouldn't be asking so many questions back to back so soon on here and you actually probably should reacquaint with some basic RP
mattyanon Admin 6mo ago
It's a bad idea if you care about your gym. If not, it's fine.
If you don't know how it's done, it's a terrible idea.
EurasianChad 1 6mo ago
Just conversate over some lifting. Make a casual comment (non looks/body related) and see how she responds. Then just keep doing your thing.
You'll be seeing her often so you don't have to go balls to the wall with it. Just smile, relax, make funny comment then go on with your workout dude. Casually invite her out to get post workout food if she's feeling your vibe. There are ways to make things flirty without being overly overt.
whytehorse2021 6mo ago
It depends on your gym situation. For a lot of guys it's a social circle. For other guys it's an outfit that can be changed in an instant. Can you walk away from the gym easily? If so then go ahead. If it's a gym you value then don't shit where you eat.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 6mo ago
(What is the consensus on hitting on girls at the gym)?
Nope, don't shit where you eat.
Lone_Ranger 2 6mo ago
why r u gey?
No-Stress-Cat 6mo ago
If it doesn't knock her out the first time, use a bigger dumbbell.
Lionsmane8 6mo ago
Yes, Do it!
MrSupreme 6mo ago
Girls at the club are willing to kiss,get drunk,dance and maybe go fucking that night. Girls at the gym are getting their bodies worshipped by many guys as long as they're there, think of what that does to a woman's head/ego. Im not saying you shouldn't do it, it's good youre asking what should you do and how to calibrate. Wait for more experienced guys who do hit at gym girls have to say
NeoSpartan 6mo ago
I've done it a little, not often though and always after getting multiple solid IOIs.
The problem with the gym is you see a lot the same people there every week so going around being thirsty and getting rejected a bunch all the time is going to harm your social standing there.
Never been a big fan of cold approaches, as the success rate with that tactic is very low outside of clubs and other social environments where people go specifically to meet people.
The couple times I have had success I waited a bit to gather information on her level of interest. Few examples, catch her looking at you a bunch (especially when it seems like you aren't paying attention), her asking you help with something or making some other excuse for talking to you, or if she very deliberately goes right in front of where you are and starts stretching provocatively.
Remember that girls are almost always indirect and maintain plausible deniability when they attempt to do a "girl approach" on you. Since high school ended I can probably count the number of times I've been directly hit on by girls outside of parties or clubs on one hand.
Anyway, a good move, I think, is to play it carefully. Initiate by asking if she minds if you work in on a machine she is using and strike up a conversation while you are both resting between sets. You can gauge her interest during the talk and throw in some mild flirts like complimenting her form or progress or gently teasing her about something. If she reacts positively to that then you should move towards a date.
Wintergreen 6mo ago
I see what you’re saying, but I don’t exactly agree that it matters if you’re inflating a girl’s ego. It naturally balances out in that their egos are inflated, yet their options are almost all only sexual. At least the ones they’re interested in.
The reason this gets to me is because that girl had so many guys on her Instagram from the gym. Sure, most of the guys are just Instagram friends and she isn’t interested, but I respect them for having the balls to approach. Personally I feel a bit cowardly for not approaching, and I’ll admit that my first thoughts at the gym are approach anxiety (I really only approach at the club), and my second thought is “oh yeah don’t shit where you eat”, and it’s just a convenient excuse for me not to face my anxiety.