I basically look younger than my age, and most girls actually believe i'm 23, when in reality i'm 33
I started lying about my age because i had girls super into me, and when i end up revealing my age, it doesn't work out
I usually don't care to lie about my age when it's plate/ons/fwb stuff
I met this 18yo girl 3 months ago at a festival, and she is really nice, smart etc ... only had 1 BF
the problem is that i lied to her from the get go when i met her, i claimed i was a 23 yo student
and now its been 3 monts since then, she is very attached to me, and i like her aswell but damn lying about everything is just too overwhelming
i just dont know what to do, either end things or tell her the true?
what would you suggest bros?
whytehorse2021 7mo ago
Just keep avoiding it until she calls you out and be like "Did I say 23? I meant 33" and then just act like nothing happened. Might be 10yrs down the road when it happens. Might be at your next birthday party. If she gets all butt-hurt go into detail about older women competing with younger women and using shaming tactics.
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
Lying about your age is the exact sort of shit that women do.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 7mo ago
Come clean and stop lying.
Lying always catches up to you. And it's stressful to always keep a story straight, and generally impossible as more details are required to keep a falsifyable narrative going
Stop lying.
Johan Should i (x2) 7mo ago
The problem is that, a lot of young girls will reject me just based on my age, even if they are into me
Also when i had tinder, i had a lot of matches when my age was set to 23, compared to 33
But yeah eventualy it will catches up, she already have doubts about me because she never seen my id, there is no papers about me in my appartment, i'm completely invisible on social media/internet etc
Vermillion-Rx Admin 7mo ago
Yeah. They will screen more for similar yet slightly older ages than themselves.
This is the problem you have. You want to have your cake and eat it too. You want to lie with zero consequences. Too bad you can't.
So either keep lying and suffer the consequences or don't lie and lose some pussy. That or increase your SMV and game so they still want to fuck anyway.
You're basically asking us how to cheat reality without consequences.
Good luck with that dude
MrSupreme 7mo ago
Yeah you'll get more hits if you say you have a private jet too
aj14 7mo ago
[i just dont know what to do, either end things or tell her the true? what would you suggest bros?] **I suggest that you enjoy the ride while it lasts.
***You called this girl your gf in your post-title. That's already bad new bears because the foundation of this relationship is built on a wacky-ass lie. Enjoy the ride guy, because when she finds out the truth it's gonna be a mess. There's nothing wrong with wanting younger girls; however, having to lie/manipulate a girl that's 15 years younger just to get "a gf" borders on predatory behavior. The fact that you have to hide who you really are (lying about your age, hiding your social media, cleaning your place to hide evidence on your true self) goes against everything that they teach us here. Own your shit man, instead of fooling these girls into thinking you're a 23y/o kid they can fuck with, show them that you're the 33y/o guy they want to be with.
AbusiveFather1 7mo ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[deleted] 7mo ago
Musicgoon78 2 7mo ago
You messed up. You let your cowardice run the show. And the worst part is it's cowardice over something that isn't a big deal or even objectionable.
Once your girl finds out that you were so scared of your age that you lied, her loins will stay forever dry for you. Women aren't attracted to weak guys.
Fess up and accept the consequences.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 7mo ago
Maybe OP likes beef jerky?
Musicgoon78 2 7mo ago
Beef jerky can be tasty I suppose..
First-light 7mo ago
This has the potential to end badly. One of the side effects of feminism controlling men is that they have decided there is something creepy about older men having normal brains and being attracted to younger women. Add in to this the current fetish for punishing anything that might look like it is controlling behaviour and this could end very badly if she is upset when she finds out or worse if she gets upset with you first about something else and then finds out. If you were accused of predatory behaviour you would probably be OK in the end if you have not done anything they might call controlling but you would have a horrible time proving it to authorities and the slur might still hang over you even when they authorities left you alone.
That's the worst case but its worth considering it. Best case is you really work on making her happy for a couple of weeks and then tell her, saying you know its the wrong way to start a relationship but you screwed up because you really liked her. You said something dumb at a festival. Most dumb stuff people do at festivals stays at festivals but this lie has just got worse ever since. You have kept this farce up because you like her so much but you know you have to come clean with her. Will she forgive you? Whether or not she forgives you may depend on the hive and on family. She may accept it at first but then the hive tell her its creepy. It may well be something she serves up to you again in arguments to show you are not to be trusted or are manipulative. Its likely to be in the background for many years if you stay with this girl.
You could also just end things without telling her. This would be the safest option unless she is close enough to you to find out later.
How likely is a young girl you met at a festival to be a good LTR? If you really think she is worth it, then tell her the truth soon. Faint heart never did...
redhawkes 2 7mo ago
Lmaoo, smash until it breaks and learn to own your shit. 3 months is not a LTR.
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
Bro, she knows. Of course she knows.
You say you 'look young' ....thats only in your mind. Everyone else can guess your age pretty acurately.
You have to get a bit more switched on. Nearly all young girls go through an 'older guy' phase. Some never grow out of it.
This is all mental masturbation and main character syndrome.
Kloi 7mo ago
Man not necessarily.
Was taken out by a 44yo this weekend, everyone was flabbergasted when I said I was 30. Most people were pegging me at 22-24.
It's a regular occurrence when I let my age lose.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 7mo ago
Honestly same
Goingthedistance 7mo ago
Same here, barely 29 but everyone will think I'm 22-25 max. I think it's due to how many guys just don't take care of themselves and look like utter shit past 24.
Kloi 7mo ago
Nahh it probably has more to do with genetics.
I partied like a rock star for 6-8 years.
Durek_The_Bald 7mo ago
This reads like an episode of a spin-off series of one of those already frustratingly bad sitcoms, where the entire plot is dependent on the main character being unnecessarily retarded.
I suggest you get yourself hit by a car. Then, when she comes rushing into the hospital, she'll know you lied when the receptionist goes: "Johan...let's see...ah, here he is. Johan, male, 33. He's in room 204."
But by then, she's so worried already, thinking you were going to die, that she doesn't care about the lying, having now realised she loves you. And so she rushes into your room, calls you a "lying son-of-a-bitch", and proceeds to kiss you passionately.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 7mo ago
I hope she didn't lie about her age, if you are going that young, think about that.
SebaMAN 7mo ago
more likely than not, you shrivelled, hunched and hid your face in hands instead of owning it, hence it didn't work out
I lied about my age, I didn't care but I didn't like it much, then I stopped telling any strange anything about myself [IMO best option since they don't care if theyare attracted anyway]
Rehearse to say it casually