Went on beach date with Japanese girl (she’s very new to my country) Date went well lasted a couple of hours, kino, hold hands. When date ended I walked her to my car and said I would drop her off to the station. In car I went for k close and got rejected with “sorry I can’t”. I replied take it as a compliment, message me when you get home. I honestly thought she wouldn’t message me when she gets home, but then she sends me a message about thank you for today I had so much fun Yada yada yada etc. I reply no problem we should go x place next time. And she replies with okay.

Now a few questions going forward:

  • what happened, do you think she just wants to slow it down ? Why reject k close if you’re still keen for another date.
  • do you guys think it’s because she’s Japanese (cultural differences). I’ve heard they do some formal love confession type thing after a few dates, so maybe I need to slow it down ?
  • How should I go into the next date, should I give her some space ? It’s kinda thrown me off escalating other than kino for the next date. Should I slow down next date and then try to close her the date after ? I get this vibe that if I’m too forward next date I might scare her away.