This night I went out with a really hot girl that wanted to fuck right away, but I didn't plan on logistics because I didn't expect that nor her, so we didn't have a place ready besides her big car where we touched and kissed for 3 hours. Everything looks good, right? Well, at some point it was really late and she had to leave so we started to slow things down and start just talking. She told me she has a dog and I showed her a picture of my parent's dog, she instant paralyzed like she saw a fucking ghost. She told me that her mother knows them, but I don't believe her fully, there's more that meet the eye IMO. It's a very long way from having her hands inside my pants to a total fucking scared faced.

Now, my parents are a total mess, I had to become the parent of my own parents at very young age and I still do despite the fact they treated me bad in my upbringing. I had social workers because they didn't feed me and provide clothes so I know what's poverty means. It's unreal how they are a constant looming in my life, what a disgrace.

TBH, I don't think I will messaged the girl ever and I don't think she will, we will ghost each other without knowing what's really happened. My behavior is destructive in general, because I cannot see a full spectrum of the things, to me they are only black or white. In this spot, I think that knowing my parents is a dealbreaker, not just a small minus so to speak. I think this thing might obliterate the attraction we have. So, as said, I don't play to text her or meet her in the gym, for me that moment counted more than the entire night when she gave me her ultimate greenlight to fuck her right away. What's your opinion on my last paragraph? Do you have any advice? I went to therapy for 2 years, it helped but it seems my parents footprint will last for my entire life