Alright gang, I have a really hard question to ask, what would you do if the girl you're interested in has OnlyFans, would you still pursue her romantically or not? The thing is, I get that she's in college and I respect her decision to do OnlyFans to support herself but is it worth it? I thought I was gonna ask her out on dates and went from there but she started an OnlyFans. What is the best solution/move for this situation? She also has friends who do OnlyFans as a side job and I feel like her friends influence her decision-making a lot so this one is kind of challenging for me.
Posted 5mo ago in Question for RP - Permalink - Locked - 2.2K Views
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ExConvictNowMillionaire 4mo ago
Plate & manage the account in return for 50% revshare
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 5mo ago
Dude, how many times are you going to ask this same stupid question?
Worse yet, how many times are you going to ignore the nearly-unanimous advice not to get involved with this woman beyond just sex?
Tell ya what: marry her. Put her name on your house, bank accounts, and credit cards. Learn the hard way.
Whatsnext 5mo ago
Plate only
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
This. Not even a second thought
Lone_Ranger 2 5mo ago
not even plate. Delete / block and move on.
Onwards and upwards. Look for higher quality friends and associates, not common whores.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
Recreational use only or next
pancakesforbreakfast 5mo ago
OP has an interesting name.... have you developed your own subculture already?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
What do you mean by subculture?
First-light 5mo ago
I did wonder about that one. Vermicelli sounds like italian for "little worms" (or the pasta that looks like them) So opening little cans of worms? with an allusion to your red pill screen name? I did wonder.
pancakesforbreakfast 5mo ago
I don't make the rules, if you decide to be a prominent manosphere figure you get -cel added to your name and a group of followers.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
spartanblood1 5mo ago
If she wants to start OF, what else is she willing to do. Top tier red flag. NEXT
Lone_Ranger 2 5mo ago
I'm going to go out on a limb and say just run. Don't even associate with her.
"If you lay down with the dogs, you're going to get fleas"
This is the truth. You are the sum of the 5 people you spend most time with. No man is an island. Strong and successful men do not hang out with whores, druggies and drop outs.
She is trash, pure and simple. You are trying to be 'modern' by 'respecting her decision'. What a cop out. What about the 99.9% of women that don't prostitute themselves?
Be a man. Do something useful with your life, instead of befriending whores.
[deleted] 5mo ago
[deleted] 5mo ago
No-Stress-Cat 5mo ago
Then let the last of us "men" ride into the sunset, and find a place to go out in blaze of glory!
coolsocks00 1 5mo ago
Great. Now she pays for everything. Expensive restaurants and vacations. If she cant afford it, neg her for her lack of effort on OF.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
Let me note this down.
financehardo420 5mo ago
Fuck her but definitely fuck other girls. Lifetime plate status.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
So, play the "game" and fuck with their feelings without remorse?
financehardo420 5mo ago
Don’t lie.
“I don’t date women with onlyfans. We can still hang though”
spartanblood1 5mo ago
Never lie.
Id always lie to girls I was seeing, giving them false hope. In the end it just never works.
Girls get turned on more when you tell them the truth about certain situations
woodsmoke 5mo ago
The fact you write it that way makes it obvious you aren't ready to play.
You shouldn't be using women out of spite. That's bitch behavior. Just don't waste time with women who don't add value to your life.
If you can't do that without turning it into a Greek tragedy you need to work on developing yourself until you can.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
So, go to the gym, read books that give me a deep insight into real life, and be intellectual, and don't waste time on people who don't add any value to my life.
Maturin_nj 5mo ago
"I get that she's incollege and I respect her decision".
That's nice guy talk. you have been well trained and conditioned.
woodsmoke 5mo ago
Glad someone else caught that. I can appreciate the honesty of a whore who doesn't bullshit about what she does but I ain't gonna' respect her for being a whore.
@OpeningVermicelli405, you shouldn't respect people who clearly don't respect themselves. Doing so will only ever be used against you.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
Alright. So, I guess that's it.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
I just think that my "friends" are not friends but more like people who influence my bad decisions.
Maturin_nj 5mo ago
It's the respecting her decision part. This is flat out nice guy speak. If you suffer from this kill it because it will destroy your dating life. There's a book - No More Mr Nice Guy. Check it out
What's there to respect. That this wench immediately turns to selling her body to attempt to raise money. What about getting a part time job in an office. She is a sex worker that will probable make 200 per month on only fools. She's lazy as fuck. Lacking in character with probably a loose upbringing from a weak boomer dad. Does the respect arise from the fact she's an only fools entreprenuer.. maybe she'll find a sugar daddy next to grow her business.
This is the sort of shit nice guys put up with, and 'respect' Bring her home for Christmas so you can show her off to your mother.
Put yourself first. Not these wenches. Raise the bar on who receives your respect.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
Okay, so, my life goals, ambitions, aspirations, happiness, dreams, passion, vision, self-love, self-respect before ho*es. That is super logically sound. I got an eye-opening, life-changing, hard way of a lesson from Patrice O'Neal about women recently and it's still being processed in my head but if all she provides is pussy on the Internet then she's never worth it.
whytehorse2021 5mo ago
I'd fuck her but I love hoes. Have her pay for my shit too.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
Movies, dinner, everything? Should I also take over on her OnlyFans account?
whytehorse2021 5mo ago
Might as well, she has the money...
redhawkes 2 5mo ago
That's a lot of hamstering for a prostitute bruh.
Treat her like the anal plate she is.
Betas pay, alphas split, super alphas profit.
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
Oh, so now we're following the ways of Andrew "Cobra" Tate? Cool.
redhawkes 2 5mo ago
It's from CH Maxims you retard lmaoo
financehardo420 5mo ago
Andrew Tate has entered the chat
MrSupreme 5mo ago
Develop oneitis and try to save her
financehardo420 5mo ago
almost made me choke on my drink
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
Ima just use her and toss her aside.
Redpillpusher 5mo ago
Young men this generation ask questions like this. Young men a decade ago OP's age would ask questions like: "Girl I'm interested in is web camming, how could get her to pay me a weekly cut?" I really hate to be that young old guy but you young guys 20-29 need to man up. It is pathetic that you would even entertain the notion of treating her better than a bench warming plate, much less even have to ask this. I didn't when I was younger but now I don't fully blame women for their behavior: weak men have allowed and sometimes pushed them to this. You need to do better OP
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
What should I do then? What do you want me to do?
Redpillpusher 5mo ago
I want you to be a man, damn it! As corny as it may sound to you, view yourself as a king, that will solve many of your generations' problems. Would a king take a common whore as his lady for all to see? No, but he still might smash her from time to time, making sure in a subtle way she knew her place. These people are already telling you but you refuse to listen: cut her off completely, make her a low ranking plate, or make her a low ranking plate and use her for some sort of income. You clearly lack the capability to do option 3 so I initially would have suggested the 2nd option but the fact that you even asked this and THEN followed up most of the answers with more questions tells me you might still actually like this whore so I suggest you follow Lone Ranger's advice and cut her off. The fact that this is an actual question from someone your generation proves to me that the social engineering experiment by the elites is still running successful and that at this stage there's not much the RP movement can do to stop the progress
OpeningVermicelli405 5mo ago
Look, I'm super worried about being dependent on a woman for my happiness and self-fulfillment. If I can't treat myself like a king, how am I capable of pulling something off like making that girl a low-ranking plate and making her some sort of income proves that I am doomed. If I actually wanna make this girl a low-ranking plate and use her for my use and purposes, or my gain and selfishness, do I need actually start reading some actual helpful red pill books and take the initiative?
Redpillpusher 5mo ago
No red pill books will teach you how to increase your self-esteem & confidence. That's something that, unfortunately, I nor anyone in this forum can help you with. Until you work on that, stay far away from females like this, because she could easily turn someone like you into another monthly subscriber to her porn channel
OpeningVermicelli405 4mo ago
Alright. I see. This is how it's gonna be.
No-Stress-Cat 5mo ago
OnlyFans is still a thing? I thought the competition would be so fierce by now the ugly sluts gave up.