On Hoe Math there is a video entitled "Seemingly" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8nY8YJNfu0&ab_channel=hoe_math

The basic idea is that women require "upkeep" in addition to attraction. The Hoe Math guy even puts a number on it. He says if you only have passion/attraction it lasts for 3 years at most (and usually MUCH shorter). Not sure where he got that number. In the internally linked video the girl blogger he quotes gives the "upkeep" example as the girl "needing" a good morning text. She doesn't get the text, so eventually she dumps him no matter how chaddy he is.

So, this kind strikes a nerve with me because I definitely get the "text me" requests, but I don't do it because it seems validational. They are like "You don't care about me because you don't text me." I do not get this from the highest value girlfriend, but the ones who are even slightly insecure say it.

So, the Hoe Math guy seems to say it is required to do this "upkeep", but I am not so sure because it seems subordinate. I guess I do agree that "provide and protect" is required, but good morning texts are not a material provision, they are just validation, so I don't see how that is required. Does the Hoe Math guy have this wrong?