Since texting only for logistics doesn't really work for women in this age group anymore (unless you're high status/Chad) is there any texting guides? For example openers, escalating to a meetup, getting better at banter, response times, etc. etc. so that you can optimize turning #'s into meetups?
Before anybody says if it isn't a fuck yes its a fuck no, keep in mind these girls have 100s of guys in their DMs which means you need to stand out with your text game so it definitely matters.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
I’ll give you a word for word script with some chick that’s a customer of mine at school from literally tonight. She’s got a whole ass boyfriend too lol.
Me: wyd
Her: mmmm not much just eating and doing some homework watching tv what are you doing?
Me: debating on grabbing some tacos; none of my boys wanna go to bird with me tonight :/
Her: :(( omg stop are you doing anything tomorrow?
Me: no clue yet Whatchya got in mind?
Her: anything let’s do something tho… smoke, hang, go out?
Me: I’m so down
Her: :)) I’ll text you tomorrow or you can text me whatever works :)
Me: it’s a deal
It’s literally that fuckin easy bro
joyboy 10mo ago
Lol fuck off bro. You say "wyd", i say that and i get ghosted. She's clearly already down to fuck based off her response showing a ton of interest. What a retarded reply by you, probably meant to piss me off anyways.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
I just gave you exactly what you asked for. If women don’t respond like that to you then you need to put in the work on increasing your smv.
You’re not gonna get bitches if you’re a fat cunt and you’re not gonna get bitches if you’re a skinny cunt. So if you want to get laid you just have to accept that you’ll need to put in the work to become a chad. Simple as that
joyboy 10mo ago
You can’t just “become a chad” by going to the gym. Not sure if you missed my other posts but I’m at a 1.6x BW bench, 2x BW squat and still a kissless virgin.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
Yes.. you literally can.
Are you below 15% bf?
Do you have abs?
Do you track your cals/macros?
Do you lift consistently with appropriate volume+progressive overload?
No to any of these = why you’re not getting the results you want
joyboy 10mo ago
Yep. I do/have all of those things except tracking calories. But I’m sure you’re going to say I need to track calories/macros even though I have visible abs and am obviously strong/muscular… Yeah Im sure that’s it, that’s definitely the reason… girls can sense i don’t have my protein and carbs calculated down to the calorie so they don’t want me
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
Ok so if you have abs and muscles you just need to work on your approach; quit being a soyboy
whytehorse2021 10mo ago
Mike Sartain does a lot of videos on this. He recently had some legendary guys who basically invented red pill on his show and they covered this new instagram generation.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
This is simply just untrue. You can still for logistics and entirely get away with just basic small talk if you ration your text messaging/attention to give her breadcrumbs
You can excel with texting but that takes a surprisingly high amount of verbal skill. I've tried helping numerous men become better texters and it's like pulling teeth and almost impossible to teach. If a guy's game/comments to women are ass in real life it's going to be the same on text
If you can joke or banter in real life you can use the same exact skill on text.
What you can't do in real life is awkwardly pull out your phone, spend two minutes looking for a certain photo in the middle of a conversation and completely dick up the face to face conversation doing that. So one element of text-specific game you have available to use at your disposal is to send women cool pics of interesting shit you or doing, going to do, or cool or interesting shit you have at your place
I have pulled numerous times by sending women photos of spicy tequila i was infusing or some amazing tacos i just cooked. So many times they've answered with "I'll have to try some". EZ logistics. I can't do that shit in that manner in person because I can't speak a photograph in person. A photo really is worth a thousand words
What you shouldn't do is sit at your phone like a fucking circus monkey clapping for pussy points with each text you send. There IS a way to have good text game that spikes her emotions but at the same time you shouldn't even bother unless you're superior at it and know how to ration the amount you send, which ones to end on high notes, how to transition banter into logistics, etc, especially if she's ALREADY not attracted enough to you
95% of men can only shoot themselves in the dick by trying to have written "text game" because they fundamentally can't survive off of generating interesting witty replies over a keyboard. I wouldn't bother if I were you if you're even asking for a guide to begin with. Your texting won't matter at all if she doesn't already consider you a viable sexual option to not only spend time with, but let you escalate in person