I started my redpill journey a few years ago. I've made good progress and changed a lot of things in my life, but I still find myself making some silly mistakes and asking myself "why do I have to learn every single bit of each thing?'' looks like i am fucking alien who doesn't know how to socialize and is trying from zero.

One thing has frustrated me, I feel that with every girl that i have been with, i wasnt ''that guy'', the man that exes says hes an asshole, but would come back to him any minute, the guy that treats them like shit, but they still love him, the guy that they never forget. My relationships with every woman that i have been with don't last more than 6 months or 1 year.

I do everything right from the start, the attraction phase and etc, but when the thing is more established, I always fuck up, not sure what i do wrong. I still struggle to calibrate dread (not doing it at all) and making the tingles going on. I always got the feeling that after some time, maybe around 6 months they start to think that I am boring, calm, relaxed and peaceful. I wanted to be that kinda of guy that they always talk about, but i am not so sure if is just a matter of dread game, making them chase more and doing more kinky things in bed.

I Would apreciate some insight.