Hi all
I messaged a girl and told her to "Come Hangout with me on Saturday" based on the advise here I avoided pleasantries like "hi how are you" and all that. She messaged me and said "it would have been nicer if you said hi first" how would you react to that? Just ignore it?
[deleted] 10mo ago
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
I would have messaged her straight back:
"Hi first, come hang out with me on Saturday"
Make a joke of it. It looks to me as if she is just doing some token resistance - she is probably dtf (otherwise, why would she have responded at all?). Women do the token resistance thing to make themselves feel better about themselves, because deep down they don't respect themselves (quite rightly).
Don't doubt yourself too much. Don't give up too easily. Don't always be looking for meaning in what women are saying. Just make a joke of it and carry on. Keep focused on the kill. Don't get distracted. That's what she wants, that's what you want.
Let's get it on.
[deleted] 10mo ago
Noonenoname 10mo ago
I already met her in person she isn't a stranger.
[deleted] 10mo ago
Noonenoname 10mo ago
The context is I met her in the street (cold approach), got her number then spoke on the phone and met to grab a quick drink. It was a cool flirty interaction. I was told here never send long messages and don't say things like goodnight / good morning so I sent the short "legs hangout sunday message" do you think there is more to her upset than me simply not saying "Hi" first?
The rest of the conversation is below:-
I put "I guess I'm just not nice"
She replied "Good morning I hope you had a restful night"
Then said "Thanks for letting me know. I don't hang out with people that are not nice."
I guess she may still be somewhat interested as she is still messaging What should I do next? Go silent?
MidgetSpinner 10mo ago
She has no sense of humour lol. Just move on to the next one. She's culling herself acting like this.
Your main problem still is that you're trying to please her, whether you realise it or not. What would be attractive is if you didn't give a fuck what she said, and played around with her, had fun with the things she says. If she doesn't like or understand that, then oh well.
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Good point man. Have no many options you don't give a fuck and it will filter through whatever you say. Despite that I've got some really good pointers here on how to open, avoid long messages, how long to wait after getting her number etc.
[deleted] 10mo ago
Noonenoname 10mo ago
How about I wait a few days and put
Hi how are you? Hope you had a nice weekend.
Today I was looking at massage options and wondered have you ever thought about becoming a masseuse? Your hands are so crazy small you could hit all the right spots that normal size hands people miss.
If she responds positively I could then say come over and I'll show you how although that might be a little too blatant.
[deleted] 10mo ago
Noonenoname 10mo ago
The reason she got mad at me was because I didn't say "Hi" so unless it was shit test I should have done that?
It wasn't supposed to be career advise it was supposed to be making fun of her small hands. I can't think of anything else we spoke about to loop back to.
How about. "I saw some dolls in a shop window with bigger hands than you. How on earth do you buy gloves? Maybe you secretly get doll sized ones?
[deleted] 10mo ago
mattyanon Admin 10mo ago
Or "I guess I'm just not nice".
Noonenoname 10mo ago
I put "I guess I'm just not nice"
She replied "Good morning I hope you had a restful night"
Then said "Thanks for letting me know. I don't hang out with people that are not nice."
I guess she may still be somewhat interested as she is still messaging What should I do next? Go silent?
mattyanon Admin 10mo ago
Yep, silent. It's a shit test.
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Ok how long do you think she will she go silent on a shit test? A few days or longer?
mattyanon Admin 10mo ago
You care about this too much... you see the problem right?
She has (correctly) detected that you want her more than she wants you.... she now demands you to be nice..... and now you care when she ignores you for a bit.
This isn't the girl you want, and you need to be better with other girls.
EurasianChad 1 10mo ago
Jeeez man you're always looking for the right ways to behave. I'd imagine your self esteem would be going down trying to adjust to every girls standards.
I'd just ignore it. Let her simps give her the good mornings and bullshit texts.
But I'll add this. Before you go "come hangout with me on saturday", at least set the premise that you're a chill guy who can converse normally. She has to know that you arent some weird creep first.
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Fair enough but I was told don't make normal "boring" conversation by message be direct and keep messages short so that's what I did
[deleted] 10mo ago
Noonenoname 10mo ago
To be fair he did did say to me avoid all pleasantries such as how are you goodnight goodmorning. I took it a little too far by not saying Hi but it's just 1 insignificant word. To get so caught up on a missing (hi) could be seen as autistic n itself.
[deleted] 10mo ago
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Yes I understand it's rather abrupt.
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Yeah maybe I am who knows.
MidgetSpinner 10mo ago
You're not an autist if you're capable of learning. Just say whatever you feel like. That's it, just don't don't over text, be needy, butthurt etc. That's literally it. Anything else is fine. Those are my rules. I rarely say hi either. Only when it's introductory.
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Ok so I'm not an Autist for not saying Hi then lol good to know.
nicknack 10mo ago
the hi how are you thing is honestly fine. if she's interested she will respond well. texting is more so about not fucking up than it is building attraction. inviting her to a party directly without any consideration to whats going on in her life is something id consider fucking up. just text her like youre texting a friend. i ask my friends whats up hows it going.
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Ok so not putting Hi first is fucking up? How do I recover from it?
nicknack 10mo ago
Time heals all just keep working towards it and avoid as much fucking up as possible
Noonenoname 10mo ago
I put "I guess I'm just not nice"
She replied "Good morning I hope you had a restful night"
Then said "Thanks for letting me know. I don't hang out with people that are not nice."
I guess she may still be somewhat interested as she is still messaging What should I do next? Go silent?
nicknack 10mo ago
You’re playing games bro. Since you’re already playing games keep playing, nothing to lose. It’s all experience
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Why do you think I'm playing games?
nicknack 10mo ago
Because you’re strategizing every interaction with this girl down the each text as opposed to just talking to her naturally.
Noonenoname 10mo ago
Ok fair enough I want to improve my interaction is why.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
You didn't escalate properly, almost no plausible deniability