So (m/20) have been meeting women at student parties and other private parties from people my age. Have been doing very good, also being in environment that had a large proportion of recurring people made it easy af to build my status to a point, I had a roaster of a total of 20 girls over 2 years. Preselction is a hell of a drug for women. Gamed often and very hard in those 2 years. But now I am out of uni, have no contact to really anybody anymore. I am not looking forward to text any of these hoes again.
Where can I genuinely really replicate this? Or do something better?
I dont resonate with bars and clubs at all.
MeMyselfAndMyBeard 1y ago
I (M36) have been doing social dancing for over 11 years and that is a really good place to meet women, especially if you go to different social venues. It's also good to have a dancing pic as your profile picture on dating apps - when I changed it to a professional taken dancing pic together with another woman I got 5x more matches on every dating app. Also I have been starting going on speed dating events. There you will find 10+ girls that are single and are happy to get to know you. The guys are often quite dorky so it's quite easy to get matches as well. Also try for local social events. Avoid work colleagues though and work events (don't shit where you eat).
[deleted] 1y ago
MeMyselfAndMyBeard 1y ago
Where I live there are speeddating events for the age span 25-35 and it's just recommended age, so anyone of legal age can participate. It's a great way of meeting people that are single and ready to date.
[deleted] 1y ago
MeMyselfAndMyBeard 1y ago
Great. Then start with one or more hobbies and join one or more of those communities:
Or do day gaming (read "Day bang by RooshV pdf").
[deleted] 1y ago
MeMyselfAndMyBeard 1y ago
That is awesome! You're taking action right away! The hardest part is taking the first step and open her. The rest is just calibration. If you want a video tutorial on this you should look into "The Natural by RSD Max torrent". It has like 40 hours of instructions and infield footage of day and night game. If you keep at it you will be way ahead of your peers that need 10 beers to be able to approach an ugly fat whale at 3 am in the night. Good luck!
[deleted] 1y ago
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
You sound like either a good looking guy, or just a dude who's the life of the party & is friendly and chill. Maybe both. For you to even keep girls on rotation you also need to be somewhat solid internally so you got that going for you.
If you got the looks, dating apps is an easy option for you. Its what I do whenever I stop going to bars and clubs for certain phases of my life, along with meeting women in gyms, hiking trips & other self development focused areas which have a higher population of LTR worthy chicks.
Find hobbies or clubs that are more in line with your interests but also make sense to have hot women in. Yoga groups (if you're into it) is an idea. Then you can charm your way to being preselected in these places like you did previously, just without the alcohol combined with highly promiscuous women.
[deleted] 1y ago