Did I screw up by waiting a week to contact this girl?
Met a girl in a supermarket. Wasn't super confident but got her number.
I didn't message her for a week because I was busy and I didn't want to message too soon.
I messaged this:
It's we met in last week how are you? She replied Took you a week to type this text? I then called her shortly after and she didn't answer. I then sent this:- Yeah, sorry, I've been researching the internet to find the perfect words that would totally sweep you off your feet. I made several versions, polled my peers, contacted a few professionals, and when I sent it I fucked up and sent it to the wrong person. Good news is, I found the right person and decided to just reach out normally. The bad news is, I have a date with Steve, my mechanic, on Tuesday. He's not my type, but I guess he does have a nice tooth. All joking aside I've been very busy and didn't want to reach out to until I actually had time to really connect.
Give me a call when you're free and we'll discuss our upcoming date.
Was this whole thing a screw up on my part or is she simply not interested and there is no fault with my approach? People on reddit said I must always message the same day or next day otherwise the spark is gone and they aren't interested.
Noonenoname 1y ago
Things are getting weird I sent her a 14 second voice message inviting her to a museum on the 18th and she replied with a licking lips emoji. WTF am I supposed to take from that? If it was a restaurant invite then maybe that makes sense. Is she crazy or what?
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
She's fucking with you. Leave it on seen.
nicknack 1y ago
You played this like shit keep playing and getting better. A week is not a big deal but not ideal. Never send a long text ever . You lost this girl but who cares
Noonenoname 1y ago
Point taken but she just messaged me and tried to call me so it seems there is room to recover.
Noonenoname 1y ago
Update - she messaged me on Sunday after I called her a slow poke and said "me? A slow poke?" she also called me. What should I do? Message her back or call her? Do I invite her to my apartment for drinks or do I arrange to meet her somewhere in public?
Once I said to a girl that I have a surprise for her and she loved it. A took her to a little museum. I could try that with this girl it's very close to my apartment so has great logistics.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
What the actual feck?
Please tell me you meant to post this in TRP Shit-Posts.
I don't know where to begin. Massive screw ups all around. Text her same day or next day and make logistics. If she's interested she's interested, if she's not she's not. I don't know what your actual strategy was here. None of this was game or frame.
Noonenoname 1y ago
Ok fair enough.
Reddit actually said the same message same day or next day so it's not all terrible advise.
What would you have replied in that situation?
[deleted] 1y ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
"Hectic week, social life took backburner, how was yours?"
Better yet don't wait a week in the future so that you can DARE not have to DEER
You guys gotta stop trying to find the magic words to make women wet
Noonenoname 1y ago
Is it ghosting if a conversation was never even started in the first place?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
You asked for her number. You never followed up.
Noonenoname 1y ago
Things are getting weird I sent her a 14 second voice message inviting her to a museum on the 18th and she replied with a licking lips emoji. WTF am I supposed to take from that? If it was a restaurant invite then maybe that makes sense. Is she crazy or what?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
I have no idea. Count it as a second chance and make plans
Noonenoname 1y ago
Thanks all for the good answers
Maybe I self sabotaged a bit I'm in a difficult spot right now tbh. Self sabotage the nice girls and attract the crazies lol.
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
Dude...nothing is a big deal with women. It's all fun and jokes 99% of the time.
If she sense that you're scared of a physically weaker human's reaction to you, or you get needy, she'll view you as a pussy & a bitch.
Grab your balls bro, grab them.
Noonenoname 1y ago
In that case my reply was ok although too long and a bit try hard?
I guess no point in messaging further right it's done?
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
The calling was unnecessary and comes across needy & like you need it to work, and the dragged out explanation is actually funny and it's not your fault she didn't take it properly.
I would've just voiced messaged it. She was either testing to see how you reacted to her text, or is actually a crazy bitch being serious.
If she's serious, she's mad cus she lost validation and giving you her number was some kind of big deal for her maybe. You don't apologize for these things at all, you're under no obligation to do literally anything.
I'd just move on & next time text girls either the same night or the next day. 1 week is a bit too long, she might not even remember you at that point if you didn't set the stage immediately.
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
And this is where you screwed up.
Yes, you screwed up.
Don't apologise, just say "busy week".
The whole comedy piece was massively too high investment and will make her terrified that any of it might be true. Women go on feels and you made her feel scared.
Give you a call??? Are you new to women?
Reading reddit is fucking with your head.
Message them next day but don't arrange a date straight away. Convey high value through being non needy and writing short texts.
Did you screw up? Yes, every part of this was a screwup. Read the trp sidebars and stop reading reddit advice columns.
BuckMulligan 1y ago
This was tough to read, but I guess we all had our stumbles along the way, right? There's nothing really worth restating that hasn't been said already, but I'll add onto a comment.
There really isn't a perfect one-liner or set of words you can say that'll make a woman melt every time. Think about it man, if there was, we'd have heard about it a looooong time ago. Anyone who figures out how to get pussy that quick, easy and without effort will end his life richer than Musk.
It's your energy. Your demeanor. Your frame. And you immediately said "Hey Bitch, hold this for me please?!" and tossed the frame right to her. Conversations with women can have a back and forth but 90% of the time, you're mostly talking AT her. You can be smooth, nice, funny, aggressive, whatever in it. But it's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it. I've said the most absolute bullshit insane silly crap that poked wayyy too much fun at her and she smiles, eats it up and loves the whole thing. Because it isn't the words, it's the delivery. And that's something you just gotta feel out. It's an energy, not a secret incantation.
Noonenoname 1y ago
Things are getting weird I sent her a 14 second voice message inviting her to a museum on the 18th and she replied with a licking lips emoji. WTF am I supposed to take from that? If it was a restaurant invite then maybe that makes sense. Is she crazy or what?