Another girl in my public speaking group. Have caught her looking at me a few time now. Milf, ~mid 30s, very shy, nervous and introvert type.
Have had few conversatoins with her: what you do, where you from, etc.
Had called her today for something club related. Thought I'd might as well try some teasing and bust her balls, but she straight up declined the call. No explanation either.
Maybe she's getting major fuckboi vibes or something, idk what's the issue here.
I feel like I went in with too much of a IDGF attitude here. So, my questions is, what's the game for shy, introvert types? Because DGF attitude doesn't seem to work, it seems.
Bozza 1y ago
Not really sure on the cultural differences between us, but in the UK that would be expected behaviour.
People don't like calling. You have to stop what you're doing to speak to them, and women in particular get major anxiety over voice to voice communication. So most people won't answer and the onus is then on you to send a follow up text explaining why you called.
If it was important you'll follow up. If you don't follow up, it wasn't important and can be safely ignored. This is just a general social rule.
Even the most high interest chicks with good rapport will flake on calls 90% of the time.
I've had much more success with Whatsapp voice notes. It still has the same effect of being bold (most men are too scared to send them) and she still hears your voice.
They're also a clever way to get around female text shenanigans. If you send a text she will read the notification, but won't click on the app so it doesn't mark the message as read (even though she's read it).
If you send her a voice note, then she has to open the app to hear the message. Curiosity will get the better of her and she'll be forced to open and listen to it, marking it as read. Once it's been marked as read, she's forced to respond if she doesn't want you to think she left you on read. It's a clever power flip.
So yeah, I don't think you necessarily did anything wrong - you just tried to call her and that's a social faux pas.
TRPDuryodhana 1y ago
That's a neat move. Gonna add it to my toolkit!
Yeah. I did it beforehand actually, her whatsapp was off (single tick). It's possible she was in a meeting or something. She's seen the text now, just got the thumbs up in return smh.
OPPTRP 1y ago
Well explained my guy
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
You're trying to create a rule from one case study. It's bad science.
The general rule is that women LOVE fuckboi's and hate incels. So get this idea out of your head that she is put off because she thinks you're smashing too many women. That's nonsense.
There is no such thing as 'too much IDGF' attitude. It's no possible to give too little of a fuck.
She prolly didn't answer the phone because it didnt' suit her to do so. I don't answer the phone when I am talking to someone else. She may be not answering to get you more interested. (seems to have're now posting about her, she's living in your head).
If you think she is interested, then do your thing. Ask her out for a drink. Push it. Don't give up and over analyse. Be nice, be polite and be friendly. If she's not interested, she'll let you know.
TRPDuryodhana 1y ago
Man, that's some reverse psychology shit.
I think you'er right though; she was just probably too busy. I was just confused if I'd come on too strong or something.
I'll keep pushing; be nice and chill. If doesn't work, it doesn't work.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
If it doesn't work, there are 4 billion other women out there. Don't get obsessed with with one of them.
TRPDuryodhana 1y ago
Yep. true dat
Lionsmane8 1y ago
I never call. Women are autists. Text or in person.
Also she may be introverted but less shy than what she gives on. I mean she's 30+, come on.
Anyways, older women like that are backburner bitches.
For introverted type of girls anyways you have to be gentle, daddy gentle. Guide her and don't tease too much.
Initially your alpha scumbag attitude is attractive to them, but when they deal eith you they freeze and can't take it.
In simple terms: tone it down.
[deleted] 1y ago
[deleted] 1y ago
ncstaterepted 1y ago
I think you're fine especially because you had a good reason to call so you're not even mentally backflipping.
I don't game women in social circles. I do however call stranger numbers every time and I also deal with call rejections and ring to voicemail scenarios. Usually I have 1 or maybe 2 texts with a girl and leave her on read once I get her number. It's really to make sure she has my number saved because I don't give mine out. Then I call her when I want to. 50/50 she doesn't pick up the first call. Usually I will call again some time soon, like the next day I am free and want to check them again. I don't text either. Sometimes they call back in a few minutes, sometimes they text the next day that they were busy. Sometimes nothing happens and when I call again they pick up. Sometimes I get blocked and go right to voicemail on the second call. Sometimes they ignore the second call, and that's when I stop for a month or so. Sometimes they get back with a text or a return call after the second call.
A 19 year old nursing student ignored my first call. I met her and her friend a week ago and left her on read for a week because I was busy. The next day I called back and she had her room mate pick up the call. I told her room mate to let her know I called (LOL). She called me back later that afternoon and we set up a date for the next day.
A college girl with the same last name as my first ex told me she had a boyfriend but gave her number anyway. She texted enthusiastically. I was busy again and didn't text or call for a week and when I finally did, I was blocked. I probably should have jumped quicker OR it was not going to happen.
Another young street girl I met, texted, she responded, I responded really IDGAF, and then let it go for 3 days. Then I called her, voicemail. I called her again the next day, voicemail. The next day she texted me at the time I call, "You always call when I'm busy!" So I called her immediately and she came over that night.
I went on a great sports date with a FOB grad student last weekend and I called her last night. I called 2 other young college athletes I just met last night as well. The 2 girls were texting enthusiastically, the grad student was texting too but I wasn't. Neither of the 2 girls picked up, one rejected at 2 rings. The grad student didn't pick up, and she texted me this morning that she was sportsballing and couldn't answer. The other 2 I will call again, probably after the holiday weekend. I was trying to hang out with someone before I travel.
Many boomer girls on Tinder mention that they love my aggressive style of calling. Young girls tell me that it's scary for them but they respond to it. I hate it how boomer girls are trying to be the man and be like "Grr, tiger, you're really turning me on!"
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
How dull
dude, it's just one girl. you can't extrapolate from one datapoint
TRPDuryodhana 1y ago
i'm all ears! what's a better way?
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
So it is VERY worth finding out what her relationship situation is and what her living situation is.
But her job? It's probably boring to her and you don't care what she does, so it's fun not to ask.
Where she's from? Fuck that, the past is gone.
Generally you want to elicit excitement and link yourself to her hopes and dreams.
And you do that by NOT ASKING QUESTIONS. It's super weak and puts odd pressure on her. They are a conversational last resort.
Speak in statements, it's more dominant
If you want information: tell her to tell you what you want. Instead of "what do you do", say "Tell me what you do, and make it sound passionate and interesting, I get bored easily". At the very least: "Tell me what you do all day". Questions are fairly weak. Statements are better.
She'd rather tell you her favourite icecream than her job.
The other problem with jobs is that they are used to socially discriminate against people, and no matter how non-judgmental you are, you don't want her to stray into any areas of social judgment if you're trying to bang her.
In conclusion: talk in statements and she'll do the same and it won't feel like an interview.
[deleted] 1y ago
whytehorse2021 1y ago
She didn't want her husband to know about her planned affair with you.