@whytehorse2021 your time to shine lmfao.

Hit up this cute petite Asian girl; ig she’s half Russian (dads side) and she’s from Mongolia. We made plans to grab ramen; ended up going for drinks first. Tab was like $30 after tip I paid it.

Ramen place closed, we grabbed some Mexican food. Tab was like $37 she offered to pay n I let her.

Went to bar after that to meet up w my friends; paid $40 for us to skip the line; she gave me a $5. Bought me a shot.

Get back to my place and we’re all hanging out. She eventually goes up to me and is all you’re not getting any tn. I’m like bet time to call up another chick lol. She ends up getting way too drunk (gave her an edible). Get her to my bed n she passes out fullly dressed n I go to sleep. Middle of the night I get woken up to her in her undies moving over me or some shit and we start cuddling but she’s still sleeping so didn’t get to fuck. She later gets out of bed and ends up sleeping by the toilet lmfao.

We wake up in the morning n she comes back to bed, kiss a lil bit and she grabbed my morning wood but still wouldn’t do anything w it -_____-

Amongst other shit says I’ll “get obsessed” if I stick it in and I’m like nah it’ll be the other way around.

Chick ended my winning streak smh. Are Asian chicks usually like this at first or what?