Met this girl on dating app, had a feeling she was a attention seeking hoe the way she was blowing up my phone. So instead of giving her more attention I quickly asked her out for a date, so I don’t waste my time. As I predicted, she said yes but started replying extremely slow after getting the validation of being asked out. So I stopped responding to her and also since I read her well I was going to just take her out for coffee anyway.

One week passed she reached out to me again, blowing up my phone giving hints to ask her out. This time I don’t think she even deserves coffee, I will only waste time to drive to her if sex is guaranteed. Should I just be direct and be like “I’m down to meet up for the night, if you get what I mean”.

This bitch is a insecure attention seeker, that’s why I’m planning to use direct game, I know on the regular it’s not what u should be doing. Thanks!