So one day this girl comes out of nowhere and admits she likes me. I was already in a relationship, and she knew that, and she still followed me around always trying to get my attention. I ended up ending things with my current girl and got with the new one. Nine days later she wants to break up because I'm not "loving", and "too controlling". She did it in front of my friends too and one told me "She just wanted you to be a simp".

I was kind of mean to her. I'd make fun of her but she'd just smile and say "you're so mean". And I've always treated her like that, yet she still tried to be around me constantly. I'd also spend a lot of time with my ex because she was actually interesting to talk to, while the new girl would initiate an interaction but then just look at me waiting for me to say something.

I tried to show abundance and not just give her free attention to display high value and everything, and it demoted her to a simpial status which is exactly what i wanted but I guess she got sick of it. She started acting grumpy, really quiet, and would just leave without explanation and then talk to every guy except me.

And I would be nice to her if she wasn't being moody for once, and that did only happen once, I was hoping giving her a genuine compliment and walking her to class was enough positive reinforcement to make it happen more.

She seemed more interested when we weren't officially together and she had to fight with my old girl for me. Do i really need to have that situation to keep someone interested? I thought acting disinterested and making her try to earn my attention would work.

Also I think it's worth mentioning she apparently started liking me the same fucking day her boyfriend broke up with her.