Just curious, because a drug dealer is "alpha fucks" but most likely a loser in real life who has no real life aspirations or respect from general society outside of their neighborhood.

But in their neighborhood they may be popular and have connections, partying, drugs, etc.

If your girl left you for a drug dealer or thug, do you think she considers it an upgrade because its an "alpha" spectrum male or does she know that she fucked up and is getting commitment from someone who gets no respect out of the underworld of society?

For example, if you look at the baddest girls. They dont go for drug dealer types. They go for the athlete, ceo, baller types, who are clean cut buff and charismatic. They usually dress nice and these men have dated some classy women in the past.

But your usual drug dealer are typically skinny, grimy looking, tacky jewelry, etc. I have noticed all of the drug dealer types only get those ghetto ratchet girls that are sometimes pretty, but they cannot get the classy type usually.