This is a committed relationship here, not a plate or a girl you are trying to game and get on a date. What are you supposed to say/do when your girlfriend is not available to hang out twice in a row?

My girlfriend was at work but was tired earlier this week. I decided to give her a bit of space and set up another meetup. I was going to go out for some lunch yesterday and I told her I was going to pick her up.

She told me she cant make it blah blah. This is the second time this week. She is always available.

Is it an overreaction to pull the "We need a break card".. Or should I call her out on this, that she isnt making time for me. She didnt have work or anything, it was apparently bad timing both times. I cringe at how beta that sounds, but we are exclusive and im being dodged by my gf.

I know the common adage is to never show butthurt from a girl not being available, but at what point can you call them out? I feel as a bf you are entitled, but a plate/casual dating you arent.