Dear all, I've a question and would value some input.

I was visiting a music store and while purchasing a record I spoke with the cashier.

I'd noted from a distance that she was very much my type in appearance. When I opened with an observation about the shop, she wasn't looking at me and brushed it aside. Undeterred, I began asking her what music she liked, and then she looked at me and really lit up, was warm, engaged and we exchanged music recommendations and revealed small details about our lives. She smiled and laughed, kept eye contact, while she'd just been disinterestedly scanning my purchase before.

Nothing to lose, right? I was going to steer the conversation towards "what are you doing later" but she revelaed to me that she's 18 (just leaving secondary school), while I'm 28. I didn't mention my age but she knows I work. Now, she looked a bit older (but none the worse for wear) and tbh I don't look very old, I've still my hair, eat reasonably well, lift, run, so I haven't that against me.

My intention would be to date/aim at a LTR, I'm not into hookups. But I'm concerned at the age gap and that caused me to back down & end the conversation. Though I did ask about a record and she said they could order it in, so I have an excuse to revisit. She also helps restock so I could just approach her at a quieter hour in the store.

My main question is regarding the age gap, is it "appropriate"? She's of age, so should I even let it bother me? But any other comments on the interaction will be welcomed.

Thanks, B4C

edit: thanks for the tips fellows, I appreciate it!