there's a good looking girl living in my apartment block. i saw her in the elevator 3 times, just exchanged glances. one time i was listening to a podcast and glossing through work emails, she asked me what i was doing. i was very busy so i brushed it off and went about my day. yesterday i was talking to my friend at the building entrance, when she passed us by. i caught up to her, struck up a conversation and exchanged contacts, she seemed very keen, albeit with glimpses of a bitch face, which i chalked up to an attempt to inflate her value since i brushed her off before. that night i texted asking her out for coffee. this morning she responds to me: "i'll let you know right now, i have a boyfriend". i reply "i'll let you know right now, i have a girlfriend". been a few hours, no response. was she uninterested in the first place, or was my text stupid, and if it was, what should've I texted instead?