I am in my first month of monk mode and would like to continue it for another 5-6 months. I am currently in college and trying to just flirt with girls and leaving it at that at least for now. I want to gain experience talking to women through this. This is what I want at this moment.

I did the same thing with a girl in my class and she gave several IOIs but seeing that it lead nowhere she obviously started dating another chump. She used to flirt and touch me in front of her new boyfriend but it is slowly dying right now. She also gets a lot of attention from other guys online and offline. Now here's the thing, I understand this was bound to happen. I have experienced this with other girls but I was just indifferent during those times, I knew what I wanted and left it at that. What I think is I have developed an oneitis for this girl and a captain save the hoe mindset when other guys are trying to get in her pants.

How do I solve this? In normal circumstances I guess the solution would be to sleep with new girls but currently my mission is to remain dry for the next 5 months so its getting difficult to remove this onietis without breaking the monk mode streak. Is it possible at all.

Note: I want to do this because this is a crucial time in my life and I believe it could help me in the long run.