I like leading the relationship and planning dates, but god damn i hate always initiating things with my LTR. I feel like if i open up about this she will think its needy or something. Shes my LTR always initiates sex, never turns it down, submissive, always available (99% of the time), texts back 1-5 minutes consistently.

She will text me first about 1:3 times i text her first. Every time she texts me its to say "i love you, i miss you, i left my bra" etc. Basically just affectionate texts.

I would like for her to ask me to come over, or when can i see you? etc.

Its always me commanding her "hey babe, come over at 10 were gonna watch a movie" or "ill pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning be ready" ...

It gets a little exhausting always doing this every. single. time.

And also, i begin to feel like a robot always making commands, but i feel like girls panties dry up when you say "can you come over?" instead of "come here at 8. wear that skirt again" or whatever. I also know that asking girls out this way is the Proper "manly" way that they do appreciate and find impressive.

is it OK to feel like a broken record? is it OK to be annoyed about always initiating meetups? How can i change this behavior in her. Is she just letting me lead the relationship or am I actually doing all the heavy lifting?

Her attraction isnt in question here, just the dynamic.