Coming from a family of teachers I have noticed I have always been good with kids. I play a lot of sports so during my free time I volunteer at sports camps to teach kids. They all seem to love me and enjoy the lessons. Now I have always kept this quiet from women, because I was afraid they would see it as a beta trait. Is that the case ?
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grilledcheesaroo 2y ago
It's a Beta trait to be making dumbass posts like this. What the fuck, man? Being a good father to your child is probably one of the most based things you can do, especially these days. And being good with kids is great because you can literally change lives of some wimpy kid by being a role model he never had.
PS: It would kind of be Beta if you were to just advertise it, though. Why would you not keep it quiet? Seems goofy to just be like "hey you might not know this about me but im actually super good with children". It should only be revealed if a woman happens to see it.
Boris1998 2y ago
Yes bro thats so beta. Everyone knows Alpha males abuse babies and children.
helpfulguy22 2y ago
My question was directed towards how women view this trait. I enjoy teaching kids so Ima keep doing it, however if a women sees that trait as weakness ovs Ima hide it from her. It’s the same concept as Saying I also enjoy rolexes but that doesn’t mean I am going to wear one and walk all around a bad neighbourhood.
Boris1998 2y ago
I was just joking btw. But honestly, if a woman sees that you are good with children and marks that against you then fuck her. You would think that they would appreciate a man that can handle children as sign of a good father in the future.
helpfulguy22 2y ago
Haha no worries bro, ya it makes sense for them to see it as a good father figure but being good with kids can be viewed as mainly a feminine trait so I was worried they may see it as beta or weakness. Guess we need some RP veterans here to answer this question
Boris1998 2y ago
If you are actively cuddling the kids or acting overly affectionate then yeah that's feminine. But if the kids just enjoy being in your presence and you are more like a disciplinarian with them then I wouldn't say that's feminine.
SgtBuchannon99 2y ago
I hope you arent swole stylish and charismatic, it will undo all your positive alpha traits. To prevent it, whenever you are around kids just bully them, make them feel small and unable, defeated without physical abuse.
Girls love bad boys.
Cancelcancelculture 2y ago
Lol what is this dumb shit
grilledcheesaroo 2y ago
sarcasm / joke (dark)
Hanscheezburger 2y ago
Depends. Are you able to put non behaving kids in their place? Or you let them walk over you, laughing at your expense while you think "ah, that must be because they like me".
helpfulguy22 2y ago
No I can make them behave, it’s not that type of fun where they laugh at me. It’s more like I make the lessons fun and make them laugh with jokes along the way, so overall they enjoy it and that’s why they behave.
Hanscheezburger 2y ago
I used to teach and tutor kids too. Jokes are fine but some people definitely try too hard. You'll have the class clowns who think since you're joking around, you have no problem with them doing the same. Gotta set them straight when they disrespect authority like that.
If you can and arent afraid to do that then good. If you can't then definitely beta
helpfulguy22 2y ago
Ya no they for sure don’t disrespect me, my question isn’t really about the kids it’s more about what women would think about this side of me.
Guyandtheroadtovictory 2y ago
From eastern psychology perspective a man gives a women those warm sensations and fatherly figure behavior that a woman need and searches in a man. Also kids are learning from an example and are great mental training in problem solving haha
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Beta= parental investment, provisioning, and protection. Yes it's beta. You need beta traits to keep women, you need alpha traits to get women.
Guyandtheroadtovictory 2y ago
What a nonsense. I bet you dont have kids. If their are not your kids then its beta, of course, no doubt about it. Imagine if it is your son, parenting, protection etc. would be beta? I dont think so haha
About keeping women - you can not keep a woman, because if it is her turn (as opposite to your turn - that perspective which social conditioning is working towards) and she is complimentary to your life, why would someone need to keep something or someone in this case?
Regarding alpha traits to get women, of course, agree with you.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
I have 2 kids and have kept a woman for 17 years. DNA tests confirm they're mine.
Guyandtheroadtovictory 2y ago
My apologies then regarding kids, but I can not understand your statement about parental investment, provisioning, and protection that are related to beta traits if mental and physical abundance that correlates with sharing without putting up on pedadtale someone is alpha trait. As for provisioning - thats a great factor to do a research but for protection - beta traits are scarsity and high level of agreeableness that opposes conflict and protection (as the fear generally corresponds to the factor of avoiding conflict). That is why i can not understand what are sources you are reffering to regarding beta traits?
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Women define attractive qualities in men. The alpha and beta are the dual sides of female sexual strategy. You're confusing "nice guys", or effeminate men with beta. Modern women use the dual mating strategy where they get their alpha fux from Chad and beta bux from Brad(the nice guy). It's very rare to find a man that is alpha bux.
If you don't think a beta will protect a woman, go over to reddit and see all the white knighting. We all know beta strategies don't work but they used to prior to the 60s. You could actually land a woman by showing you're a good provider, protector, parent, etc. But alas that's old world thinking and now we have adapted by using red pill praxeology. Nonetheless, a 100% alpha guy will not be able to keep women unless he covers the beta traits. He'll always be viewed as "Mr. Right Now" and not "Mr. Right".
Guyandtheroadtovictory 2y ago "the term alpha male is often incorrectly applied to any domineering man, especially bullies."
This is the topic what I am referring to. I am referring to social dominance hierarchy principle and also the principle where men can be alpha or beta in the matter of situation, but the mindset is the key. You can be alpha with one women, and beta with other (due to wrong frame etc.) There is no point to focus on what you can not change. Modern women are women and modern men are men, we all have our faults and mistakes, but nowadays scarcity and victim mindset are main topics of discussion not only regards to women, but regards to men as well. From scarcity and victimization we as human have those toxic traits - aggressiveness, fear etc. Your mentioned Brad can be in many ways alpha s well but aggressiveness and fear, for example, are getting in a way. Fear of judgement, fear of abandonment..
Somewhat, I agree with you that it is rare to find a man who is alpha bux, but dont we, as a men, are targeting to improve our surroundings, life and get the most fruits out of it - to be best version of ourselves? Not all, of course, but those who understand the phrase "we have only two lives and the second begins when we realize we have only one life".
Regarding knighting.. as result, yes, protection, of course can be done, but the motivation behind my mentioned alpha who protects and beta who protects are different (again mindset). Beta when one on one could bring those qualities of high agreeableness, avoiding conflict and as a result of lack of confidence, passive aggressiveness (as as result of overtly oppressed anger due to previously mentioned qualities), defensiveness. BUT, in public, of course.
Yes, you caught my thought regarding old world thinking, but this is why I am here - generally, red pill beautifully corresponds to old world thinking if we are analyzing from eastern psychology principles, not western :))
helpfulguy22 2y ago
So basically this is something I should reveal after I get the girl, but I shouldn’t use it to get the girl ?
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Yes, that's correct. Usually you wait for a comfort test.
SeasonedRP 2y ago
Don't overthink things like this. There's no need to hide it.
hannulv 2y ago
Absolutely. But beta traits aren't negatives. Beta traits are positives... good job, responsible, consistent, fit, considerate in bed, socially adept... etc.
The perfect unicorn guy is a balance of the best positive alpha and beta traits. Alpha traits bring arousal, beta traits bring attraction. Omega traits are those that are negative (i.e. slovenly, flatulent, socially awkward).
Pure alphas cannot sustain an LTR because they provide no comfort. Pure betas cannot sustain a relationship because they provide no arousal. For a women to remain invested in a relationship, both anxiety and comfort must be provided. Walking that balance is critical to sustaining an LTR.
Guyandtheroadtovictory 2y ago
Really, I see that nowadays alpha traits are conditioned bad and alpha traits what are positive are interpreted as beta traits. Thats bad, seems as really feminism got us.
If you see only Chad as alpha, then bad news for you, women date chads generally in years 16-26 (if i remember correctly what Rollo stated) in their prime years, but there are a lot even women who are without kids and with whom can put up with from 26 and over (always the reasons matter), and if you are on top of the game, then from 18 (considering the legal terms) till whatever years you like are open to you, by your terms - complimentary to your life.
Alpha traits are not bad, as society wants us to think. Biological and physical needs and traits, instincts can not be denied or changed. Alpha traits are positive as well, for example, when you have your son and want to be an example. Regarding LTR, it is great topic, because nowadays patriarchy are considered bad and for this, LTR is very hard to sustain, i agree. More risk than benefit, because women nowadays are working as well etc.
hannulv 2y ago
Sorry Dude. But you definitely need to go back to RP101.
I see you want to want to buy into the idea that Alpha = Good and Beta = bad. But that just isn't how things are. Both Alpha and Beta can be good and bad. You just aren't grasping the concepts well.
Alpha traits are arousing to women, Beta traits are comforting to women. The shorthand is Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks. Arousal vs. Comfort/Provisioning. You can be the best Dad in the world, and no matter how manly and good for society that behavior is, it does not make chicks wet. Parenting is a provisioning behavior that brings women comfort. There are no women in the world who would feel sexually validated because they fucked the world's best Dad.
Misunderstanding this is a good way for a guy to have his girl leave to go fuck other guys, while she is secure that her children are well protected and provided for by you. Alpha traits are those related to high levels of testosterone... dominance, aggression, confidence, risk-taking, etc. These are morally neutral traits that can be used for good or evil. These traits induce an aroused state in females.
It's good to be a good dad, but it's not Alpha. Be a good dad, but also bring alpha traits into the mix.
Guyandtheroadtovictory 2y ago
No, im buying the idea that society thinks in a way about alpha traits that are bad and beta that considered good - but thats not the case how in reality it all works. Alpha is not about society but about your inner saying that should not be ignored and that is why society thinks about toxic masculinity, but again, in reality its different.
You see, i agree that alpha traits are arousing women, but its not about women - its about you, me, ourselves. Im buyin the idea that you dont need to run after society "rules" but do what you feel like it and that is alpha trait. If you think comforting women is beta, that abundance mindset when you share because you are internally rich, not giving a fuck about putting on pedastal someone, then wtf.
And about arousal vs Comfort/Provisioning regarding parenting. Thats wrong, because it does not matter what society thinks but what you believe in, your principles. We are raised to receive and take but now think that giving is beta? Bible is great book for this topic.
Regarding "dominance, aggression, confidence, risk-taking, etc". Dominance wthout competence is female trait. Aggression is lack of understanding of the subject that correlates with fear. Confidence - Jordan Peterson nicely said about it, dont remember, but it is matter of situation as well as risk taking (again competence as well)
I understand your point of view regarding to be alpha etc. But it is matter of inner self - mindset, abundance not what society thinks that is what i am saying.
mattyanon Admin 2y ago
Probably yes, sadly.
It's a good thing, and playing with women and playing with children is pretty similar. I swear they are so dumb sometimes that you can literally play peekabo with them.
However...... "good with kids" is husband material, not "wanna fuck you now" inspiration. Don't hide it, but don't expect it to get you laid.