Been in and out of TRP. 28 YO

I've lost about 40 pounds of weight, and now am hitting gym consistently for the past 8 weeks. I've got 4 weeks left in this routine I am doing and I've made serious strength gains and also put on a decent amount of muscles. I get compliments from my friends about it, and its noticeable in pictures. I still have a lot of fat so no abs yet.

I've also started doing BJJ twice a week minimum, and five days a week recently before the holidays since I've got the bug and I am obsessed.

I've accomplished a lot already and my salary is in top 1% of salaries in my country. I have enough stocks to retire if I'd like right now.

However, I still do not feel a change really. I am still insecure and do not feel worthy. I do not have more confidence and I am constantly ruminating about girls in the past that I never really made any progress with. I often replay old days in my head and picture things playing out differently. I do the same for future scenarios.

I am definitely doing a lot of mental masturbation. I've been spamming TRP podcasts and listening to Patrice talk, but nothing is really internalizing.

How long does it take for me to transform mentally? How do I become less neurotic, anxiety driven bitch? Who cares about everyone else?

Recent Backstory: (its long and you can skip it, I understand you guys got goals to hit Recently, parents set my up with some Indian chick from back home who has literally no value other than her looks. I wasn't that interested so she started stalking me and giving me a lot of her time, sharing childhood pics etc. We chatted for like 3-4 hours first couple of days and she seemed a bit invested. Time went on and I got boring, emotional. One day she said that I seem too attached already and that hopefully I don't say something liked "i've done so much for you when she walks away". This was likely a shit test that I failed. After this, I do not remembered having fun conversations with her an things being dull. It didn't work out.

Historically, its been the same with other girls.

Back backstory: When I was a kid I was sexually abused. I didn't have the balls to tell anyone and this is the first time I am telling it to strangers. This kind of fucked me up and I became super horny and I couldn't really make anything with it. When we moved to this new country, I became a different person and tried very hard to fit in and not get bullied. When I was a kid, I was more confident, and could talk to anyone regardless of their age or gender. i want to be my old self again. I want to have enough experiences with women now so that even if I do get arrange married, or in "love marriage" i can make something out of it. I hear you guys that its not worth it, but I want kids.