The reason I'm writing this post is because I've got a girl who had originally put me in the friend zone panicking a little now. And it's so fucking tiresome to ask a question and just get these canned answers as if they're spit out of a motivational YouTube video.

"You ignore her for YOU bro, not for her!" "Actually have options, don't just fake it til you make it!"

The bottom line is 80% of the men at any given men HAVE TO fake it to get laid. Yet half of you are here to tell other guys how busy you actually are, that you're ACTUALLY busy lifting and "on your grind" 24/7 and have no time to pay these hoes any mind...meanwhile you're also on a seduction forum. What are you doing here anyway then if not looking for tips to tighten your game?

If a guy with zero fucking options because he lost the genetic lottery and is ugly, or is stuck living at home for some reason wants to use dread game for the one chick on his radar, just let him be and help him out. Don't give him a Rocky speech from you ivory tower.

Dread game, when applied right, works EVEN IF you have no other options. Do you know how many times I fucked my ex by having her THINK I was with other girls when I was sitting in my undearwear playing video games? It got to a point she drove past my house, noticed a new car I bought a week earlier, and thought it was another girl's car. She imagined an entire scenario that didn't happen with the application of tight game (which is basically just letting a woman's imagination run wild) and it was some of the best make up sex ever. Sometimes I'd even stage fights (and suspect she did too) for that reason. Because SEDUCTION IS FUN. The game is fun. Lifting weights and working 50 hours a week are not fun. We do them to reap the rewards and become more better with women.

But then when we want to come here and discuss seduction we have a bunch of Chadrones trying to AMOG. Give it a rest. Rollo Tomassi is the greatest mind in the history of the manosphere and his entire schtick is navigating female psychology. It works and he can predict your interactions with women to a tee, but if you had your way he'd close down the blog and podcast and just go liftmaxx bro.