I'm one month into college, and before this I was a kissless virgin. I met this girl at a party (she approached me bc I still don't have confidence to approach) and we ended up making out, I slept in her bed because mine is too high up for her, and we fucked about a week later--it took her some time to want to get used to me.

At this point, she was talking about a relationship, but I was hesitant because I saw some red flags (talked about her ex a lot, body count of 3 at 18 years old, and not great relationship with her ex-military dad, who's a badass btw). I was over at her room one night and she told me to leave because she likes sleeping by herself (small beds, she doesn't sleep well when I'm over) but I thought she didn't really mean it and stayed for 20 minutes while she pressured me to go. I ended up leaving, but she was pissed off the next morning and I tell her "my bad." She tells me she isn't ready for a relationship and "let's just be friends." I'm happy about that actually, because I didn't want to get into a relationship, but I know I could've kept this plate and fucked more than once. She said I was an asshole frequently, and she still wanted me over until that last straw, but I'm not sure if I took TRP and overcompensated. Anything you think I could've done differently?

Also, when we were fucking, I really wasn't super hard, which I think is because I used to watch porn a lot, like once a day. I did nofap for 4 months, relapsed until college, and have not seen porn the past month. I'm wondering if any of you have a similar experience and have seen improvement. I've also noticed the past few years I haven't really had a major crush on any woman, the same way I would used to, like when I was 14. I'm not sure if this is natural as I'm maturing, or if it's a side affect of the porn usage.