Need advice;

Long story short. Ex girlfriend came crawling back and told me she loved me etc etc and how much she missed me. 2 months after breakup and NC.

She texts me two weeks ago, (when I’m going on a trip with my bud’s) telling me how much she loves me and I’m the best person she ever met in her entire life. We text back and forth until this Thursday. This Thursday, her and her friends go on a party trip for four days. She ignores me this entire time. She even ignores my text of “I’m home for one day next Tuesday, want to eat dinner at xxxxxx?” While ignoring me, she posts pictures on Instagram and going hardcore partying until 5 am. For three days. I get absolutely shattered.

I lose frame, and after four days I texted her telling her that she is an awful girlfriend for going on a party trip for four days and ignoring me. 30 seconds(!) later, she spam calls me and says that she have been crying and fighting with her friends the whole time(?) (lie, they have been out partying till 05am) I answer this with saying that I’ll never respect anything close to this behaviour in my life. She then proceeds to text me that her “picture” of me is shattered and that I’ve been talking to other girls, and that I should not play some sort of angel. (She broke up with me and I started spinning plates and one plate actually texted my now ex gf)

Fellow Red Pillers, what could I’ve done better? She is of course blocked everywhere after those 3 days of her hoeing around and taking me for granted, hard nexted for life.