I'm traveling and last night I was walking with a dude from my hostel on the perifery of the city I'm in. This is a zone where there are little to no tourists, and I was talking to this friend of mine (in English) and a dude walking close to us overheard us and asked if we speak English. I said yes, and I invited him to join us. This dude was a fucking monster. Jacked as fuck and wouldn't be surprised if he takes testosterone. He looked 5-10 years older than he really was.

So we went back to the city center where there are tourists and clubs. My hostel friend left us because he didn't feel like it. Me and this jacked dude went to some club.

He is from another country in Europe, and once we were in we approached some girls who were speaking his native language.

These were two girls. One girl was into me but I played it hard and distant. She ended up kissing 2 more guys. This thing didn't touch me. What touched me emotionally is what I'm gonna unveil soon.

I had the intention to escalate with the other girl and let my new jacked peer get the other girl. They kissed eventually. The other girl was with some other dude I assume she met that same night.

And here's the mindfuck. I found out trp in 2017. This dude was buying drinks to her, telling her how much he liked, and yet she kept kissing him. At that point I thought "she's probably beta baiting him", aka, she was giving one small part of her sexuality (kisses) to make the guy more invested emotionally so she could extract more resources from him.

Keep in mind those girls were quite drunk. Anyways, they invite us to their hotel and I agreed. With one small problem. Even the cockblocker beta dude was coming with us. He forced himself into the group and kept saying how much he liked her and how bad he wanted to come to the hotel. Meanwhile, she kept kissing him. I still don't realise how the fuck that was possible. Whenever I overinvest like that a girl doesn't kiss me, she runs away.

So at that point I could feel like I was being in a shitty situation and scenario. And that played out like I thought. We headed to their room and my jacked "friend" started kissing the other girl, while the cockblocker kept being needy and kissing the girl I was aiming at.

I want to clarify, I don't have one iris. I don't give a shit, I just feel mindfucked because I had my entire belief system compromised.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed thinking "okay she will kick the dude out of the room". Two reasons why I came at that conclusion.

  1. She kept telling him "you should go back to your friends" and some other stuff. He kept repeating how much he wants to stay with her.

  2. She looked like she wanted to bang me too but the dude was cockblocking.

Eventually I realized I failed from the beginning by not being a man and take her by the hand away from that dude. I can't blame anyone but me.

That said, I opened Google maps and left the room without looking back or saying anything. I admit I felt like complete shit. It was raining and the streets were empty and that only contributed to the mindfuck I just previously had.

Again, I don't have one itis for this girl. If I had to see her again I wouldn't give her a second chance unless she submits like the slut she is. I don't say this with a butthurt expression, but genuinely.

I'm looking for inputs and opinions.