Hey everyone. I hope this finds you well. I’m writing to you all because I trust your judgement and opinions and I know you all will be honest. Lately I have been feeling stuck. Stuck as far as my development as a person. I am well aware that I don’t know everything. But I have been taking in knowledge in the form of books, podcasts, videos, and conversations. At this point in my life I am having trouble applying everything that I’ve learned. I know how I “should” act. I know the proper or desirable response, which in my case would be responding more from a place of empathy, understanding, and wisdom. When it comes down to it, I fall into old habits. I want to be better, but nothing seems to be “sticking”. It’s like my ability to be influenced has lessened over the years and I’m “stuck in my ways”. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.