Hey so I got her number this Tuesday. The link below is the woman I'm referring to if you want to read that but it's probably unnecessary. I sent her somewhat of a dad joke and she hasn't responded. I'm getting all anxious that I made a blunder, second guessing myself, etc. My plan was to ask her out after she responded but maybe I ruined the mood?

So that we're on the same page: I have met her and spoken to her very briefly twice in person; this didn't originate through a dating app. We've been texting pretty evenly but with several hours inbetween messages, she's always busy.

What do I do from here? How long should I wait for her before I send another text? Should I just ask her out now like I was planning on doing or do I need to reignite a conversation first? How hard did you cringe while looking at the linked image?

I really appreciate the replies in the old threads. Thanks for your time.

old threads https://www.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/mvvhje/i_introduced_myself_to_her_already_what_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


image https://ibb.co/QcLnkQq