Anyone who has been in a relationship with a woman, has experienced this phenomenon.

How can I.... when.... and....

  • How can I feel safe with you, when you don't come home on time?

  • How can I be nice to you, when I'm so overwhelmed and exhausted?

  • How can I respect you, when you aren't ambitious enough?

  • How can I be relaxed enough for sex, when you leave your socks on the floor?

Okay, maybe she isn't this blunt. Maybe she doesn't actually tell you what's wrong. But these statements - and others like them - are common female sentiments, that often lead to resentment towards us.

The sentiment of small mindedness. Where they are unable to contain two opposing things simultaneously. Let's go back to the same examples again.

  • That she can't feel safe with you in general - because she feels unsafe in the uncertainty, when you come home late. She is unable to simultaneously contain, her general safety and certainty - with a specific instance of uncertainty.

  • That she cannot be nice to you - while simultaneously feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. She is incapable of expending energy, while being drained of energy.

  • That she cannot even treat you with respect - when she sees an element of your character, that she deems unworthy of respect. She cannot separate these two opposing ideas and respect you for your respectable parts. She loses all respect, because she is small minded.

  • That she can't relax enough for sex - because of the socks that you left on the floor. It consumes her mind to the point that she is unable to relax. She cannot contain two opposing things simultaneously.

This is the common denominator in all of these scenarios and a million other scenarios like it: she is too small minded to simultaneously contain, two opposing things. She therefore shuts down entirely and everyone suffers.

Case in point

As men, we are solution oriented. When she "communicates" (LAWLZIES) her frustration, we strive to fix the "problem".

  • We come home on time and let her know when we'll be late.

  • We take on more of the household chores, so she's less overwhelmed.

  • We up our game and become more ambitious and successful.

  • We're careful to put our socks in the hamper.



  • She still feels unsafe.

  • She still isn't nice and she still feels overwhelmed.

  • She is still disrespectful.

  • She still can't relax enough for sex because of some other bullshit that isn't socks.

Gentlemen, it's not about the socks. It was never about the socks. The socks are sock puppets that conceal the real source of the problem.

Her small mindedness.

That's the real problem, as explained above.

In old fashioned marriage, a woman had to treat her husband with respect, she had to be nice to him and she had to have regular sex with him. These were codified into law, practices in culture and sanctified in religion.

In other words: there was a code of conduct that she had to follow as a wife, regardless of her feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings of the moment.

That isn't the case today. Today women are free to ruin their marriages with their small mindedness.

Many husbands start off by trying to solve these problems. They try and try and try some more, until that jagged bitter red pill is inextricably shoved up their ass without lube. Eventually they come to realize that she was the problem all along.

So please, don't tolerate being called a man-child. Don't tolerate being told how you aren't doing your fair share, when you pay for all the shares. Don't tolerate the demands for perfection when no one is perfect.

If women want adult relationships, they will have to start acting like adults. Until then, good men will continue to stay away and the men that you already have, will continue to retreat away from your harpie ass, into things that bring them joy.
