Are you a Bad Man? Are you a cheater? An abuser? A murderer? A gangbanger? A dirty drug dealer, a deadbeat father with half a dozen baby mamas, a callous player, a narcissist, a sociopath/psychopath, in short, a man who only contributes to the societal decline we are witnessing even now? Then I have some good news for you: the Great Blue Pill Lie of "Just be yourself", which does not work for Good Men and has lead countless numbers of them to their destruction, works for you. That's right, you can be yourself and women will flock to you. You can be your thuggish, criminal, unreliable, abusive, cheating self and they will leap into your bed in droves while rejecting Good Men.

You also don't have to do any of the other schlock that women tell Good Men: "You have to work on yourself. Focus on your career. Get to the gym, get fit, join clubs and activities, develop a fashion sense, learn to respect women, realize that you're not entitled to jack shit from women (while of course we're entitled to you paying for dates, tee-hee), and do [ever-expanding laundry list of demands, requirements, and criteria] before we'll even consider looking in your direction. Oh yeah, and don't expect that we'll actually be attracted to you even if you do all that." Nope, you don't have to do any of that, Mr. Bad Man. You do you and you're drowning in female affection. Once you're done with the current crop of women, you move on to younger, hotter ones while your ex-plates go on to ruin and destroy the lives of the men they end up marrying.

Of course, chances are you already know all of this, consciously or unconsciously. You've probably been shaking your head and chuckling as you watched Good Men spend inordinate amounts of time, energy, and money on expensive dates, gym memberships, soul-sucking careers, and fancy clothes, all in the vain hope of getting a score in the constantly moving goalposts of female affection. Meanwhile you don't even have to try to score--those same goalposts come to you. In a rare moment of kindness, you may have even tried to tell this to some of the Good Man you knew, but you inevitably found that the Blue Pill conditioning which has been programmed into them for their entire lives was far too tough for any one man's words to break. And you thought to yourself, "Oh well, maybe they'll learn it themselves someday" and went back to fucking your latest plate. Well, now they're finally figuring it out, Mr. Bad Man. And a lot of them are really kicking themselves for not listening to you back then.

Dear women: This is the world that you have created with the power that you have seized over the sexual marketplace. It is not Good Men's responsibility to fix it, and they don't have the power to anyway. If enough of you collectively decided to stop choosing Bad Men, then it would make a difference. The power and responsibility to fix it lies solely with you. And that's assuming you even see a problem with the way things are--from what I've seen, you don't care. You don't care that Good Men are struggling while Bad Men are thriving. You don't care that the institution of marriage is rotting, you don't care that the number of broken families are higher than they've ever been, and you don't care that society will crumble if this continues. So don't expect Good Men to care about your struggles either. You had your chance to show that you value and appreciate them, and you rejected them for Bad Men. You made your bed, now lie in it.