Fellas -

I was looking at the recent comments from u/dr_warlock, and saw him mention meetup.com as a good social oulet.

I went to the site to check it out, and searched "Red Pill" out of curiosity. No such group exists in our nation's capital (where I live), so I started one.

It's convenient I live in Washington, D.C., since this is a place of political importance. Perhaps we'll make some waves one day...

At the very least, we ought to be meeting up in person. We can help one another network, drink some beers, and organize events.

I'll host the first get together at my house on Saturday, July 1. If you're from D.C. you'll recognize where I live. Meet up description and link below.

Meet Up Description

This group is for Red Pilled men who want to network offline, learn and grow as individuals, and have fun. We discuss all aspects of the Red Pill, including:

  • Lifting and health
  • Game, Frame, and Red Pill Theory
  • Financial independence
  • Sex and sexual strategy
  • Resisting Globalism

There are guest speakers, happy hour events, round table discussions, presentations, group outings, and more. Whether you're looking for a workout partner, or want to hear the latest in Red Pill theory, this is the place to be.

NOTE: No dick-measuring contests will be held. All are welcome, as long as you're interested in The Red Pill.
