Here is the video

Notice how none of the women want to go anywhere near him and when they try to restrain him he easily breaks out and is able to leisurely walk around. From 2:20 onwards none of them want to head towards the 'danger' and they physically take steps backwards to remove themselves from the situation.

He is certainly not a large man and is only armed with whatever he can pick up off the floor yet he is still able to take on 3--most likely armed, God knows about Sweden though--police officers. I'm sure there are white collar guys on here could have done a better job.

The only people who had a decent go at him were the men. The bystander who manages to take him down and the other man who I believe to be a security guard or some sort of manual labour worker that rushes in and grapples with him. He eventually fucks off because well... it's probably not in his job description.

Your masculine hormones are of utmost importance in these volatile situations; it's the difference between putting him in cuffs or just traipsing around him like you're a kindergarten teacher. Women are simply not as biologically capable as men in dealing with threats. That's just the way it is, trying to fight your biology will more often than not be a losing battle.

On my journey towards becoming redpilled seeing stuff like this allowed me to see the cracks in the bluepill veneer. If this was post was of no use to you, I hope you simply use it as your daily reminder to lift.