Someone I know, lets call him Adam, got married three years ago to this woman, lets call her Eve, and is now about to go through a divorce.

Adam is a self sufficient guy, 37 years old, makes $80K-$100K in a sales position (does work 50 hours a week regularly though). He comes from a stable family background (his parents are married - little to no dysfunctional history). He's a charismatic speaker, in shape, works out regularly, owns his own home, has some real estate investments, has a retirement fund, has some cash in the bank, has an active social life with a circle of "mover and shaker" business types and is overall a decent guy who has empathy for others (is not a douche).

Eve is 27 years old, never has been self supportive. She's currently an administrative assistant at a tech company. She has a wealthy, but very dysfunctional family. Her mom is total born again type Jesus freak who has MAJOR control issues, is emotionally abusive, pathologically selfish with extremely manipulative and vindictive tendencies. Her father is a wealthy business man, but a raging alcoholic with a failing liver - drinking to his death presently like Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas (except he's doing it at home without a prostitute). Although they are still married, Eve's mom and dad live in separate bedrooms.

Prior to marrying Adam, Eve was financially dependent on her father. He put her on the payroll of his company (although she's never really worked for him) and beyond part time jobs with low commitment levels (like being a hostess at a restaurant) she relied on her father to pay her bills for her. Daddy bought her a townhouse (owned by the company) and paid all her bills (expensed through the company).

Oh, and Eve rode the cock carousel. She rode it so hard, I don't think you can call it a carousel. It was more like she went to the Cock Theme Park and rode every single ride - twice.

For example, before marrying Adam, Eve fucked one of Adam's best friends. During one night of partying at Adam's friend's house, Eve fucked Adam's friend's roommate and then left the roommate's bedroom and went into Adam's friend's room (he left the door open) and got into bed with him. Eve's sexual history was infamous in that social circle. Adam's friend nicknamed her "Piggie".

When it was Adam's turn as an attraction/ride at the Cock Theme Park^TM, Adam treated Eve with respect and kindness. He disregarded her sexual history and took her on respectable dates, got into an LTR with her and married her. A few people warned Adam not to marry Eve, but he did anyway.

Eve moved from her daddy's townhouse to Adam's house. She got a real 9-5 job (but remained on daddy's payroll). Adam paid all the bills and Eve paid off her student loans in the three years of marriage, contributed the full 13% to her retirement and contributed some to the jointly held savings.

Within the first year of marriage, Eve was very unhappy (not enough money/attention/strange cock). She beat up Adam emotionally and constantly put him down. Adam was not financially successful enough for Eve, stating they can't have children until Adam meets a certain threshold of wealth. She forced Adam to go to marriage counseling (at Adam's expense).

Naturally, at marriage counseling Adam was forced to assume all the blame in the unhappy marriage. Adam wasn't subservient enough to Eve's emotional demands, according to marriage counselors. Adam wasn't pedestaling Eve enough and not doing enough chores, they said. The reality was Eve is just a total selfish cunt who was constantly putting Adam down - and Adam was in a day to day fight for his self esteem and self worth. Adam started drinking a bit more than normal to cope with the anxiety and stress of the marriage. Eve used this against Adam, saying that it was an indictment of character.

Late in 2013, things began to change for the worse in Adam and Eve's marriage (worse than things already were). Eve grew colder and more distant from Adam. The number Eve complaining comments made to others about the marriage rose sharply. Some time before that, Eve had befriended a male co-worker who was married, lets call him Judas. Judas was a high profile employee at the company who made $170K+ a year - he was also a fat geek who wore coke bottle glasses. Adam and Eve hung out as a couple with Judas and his wife often, going to their house for dinner parties. Adam and Judas often hung out together without the girls, drinking beer and watching sports. It wasn't that abnormal for Eve to talk about Judas in a positive light, but late in 2013 she started talking about him more than usual.

A few weeks ago, Eve told Adam she was going to visit a high school friend who was having a baby shower. This friend lived a few towns away, so Eve was going to drive up for the weekend. Adam said Hey, no problem and off she went.

Later on that weekend Adam's business partner called Adam and said that he saw Eve at a local resort tiki bar having cocktails with Judas. Adam immediately searched through cellphone records and discovered a high amount of texts and calls between Eve and Judas starting back in December 2013. Adam was distraught. Adam confronted Eve and Judas and called Judas' wife (who happened to have a miscarriage 4 days before Judas and Eve's weekend getaway). Adam reported the affair to Eve and Judas' job and got Judas fired for violating a fraternization and morality policy.

After all this, Adam was contemplating forgiving Eve. Adam's brothers who were aware of the ongoing situation and confronted Adam and said WTF are you thinking?. Thankfully, they got through to Adam and during another one of Adam and Eve's arguments - Adam finally had his moment of clarity when Eve's bullshit manipulations got so contrived that Adam could no longer discount the inevitable reality and said he wants a divorce, asked Eve to move out. Eve recognizing that she couldn't bullshit her way out of this situation and that the inevitable had finally arrived, locked herself in one of the bedrooms and said she's afraid to come out and threatened Adam that unless he "sits down and talks this out like an adult" she was going to call the police and get a restraining order. Adam then called Eve's father and told him to move his daughter out of the house immediately or he was going to narc him out to the IRS. Eve's father is now on his way to move Eve back into the townhouse.

There's more to the story, but that's the basics of it. The moral? NEVER wife up a slut. Adam is super lucky he didn't have children with Eve - or else he would have been FUCKED. Although Adam is likely to come out of this with minimal damage - he's got to write out a big check - it could have been infinitely worse. For many men who do not avoid the glaring warning signs - it is. You just can't turn chicken shit into chicken salad, gentlemen. There are things that even the best game cannot overcome. Cock carousel riders are selfish narcissists and they can do damage to your life if you do anything more than pump and dump them. Adam only has to get through the shame and embarrassment and mend his broken heart - which bad enough to keep him from sleeping at night. However he could have been damaged permanently - either by huge financial garnishments, arrest and criminal prosecution via false accusations or both. Let this be a lesson to you all.